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Airbox for Pipercross PX500
Jos Fury - 24/10/06 at 11:06 AM

Dear forum members,

My name is Jos and I live in the Netherlands. I am driving a Fury.
The engine is a 4age with TB's.

I am using the Pipercross PX 500 with base plate. I am looking for an airbox though. Unfortunately the PX600 solution incl. airbox does not fit due to the limited space. I use the C503D type PX 500
( for dimensions ).

I ran the search on the forum here but no result for my "problem". I read a lot though about airboxes here and it was really interesting !

Best regards

givemethebighammer - 25/11/06 at 10:24 PM

I made an airbox to fit the pipercross baseplate. Just find and old foam filter (on ebay etc), cut the filter off and remove the old adhesive. You can then make a box to fit to it from whatever you want (mine is aluminium)

Mine is only for noise reduction on track days, I normally just have the foam sausage filter fitted.

Jos Fury - 30/11/06 at 08:20 AM

Dear give me the big hammer,

Thank you. Had not thought about that ! Thanks very much. You box looks okay. Well done. Yes I want to reduce noise ( now and than ) And quickly change filter if possible.
Since I am using Tb's in combination with injection no need to change setup for fuel / ignition all the time too.

Thanks again for posting your solution.

Best Regards

[Edited on 30/11/06 by Jos Fury]