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Is open top steering wheel not allowed in msa regs ?
Jamster1233 - 12/7/15 at 12:04 PM

I have a open top steering wheel
And wondered if anyone knew if they were not allowed when competing in sprints hillclimbs through Msa regs

loggyboy - 12/7/15 at 12:21 PM

Blue book is free download btw.

Steering 5.7.1.
Have a steering wheel with a continuous rim not incorporating any reflex angles in its basic shape (except for Drag Race vehicles). ‘D’ shape wheels are permitted.

Dopdog - 12/7/15 at 01:42 PM

Originally posted by loggyboy
Blue book is free download btw.

Steering 5.7.1.
Have a steering wheel with a continuous rim not incorporating any reflex angles in its basic shape (except for Drag Race vehicles). ‘D’ shape wheels are permitted.

as above, and I always get pulled up for my D shape wheel by one certain scrutineer.

loggyboy - 12/7/15 at 02:33 PM

I think there's an exception in the dragster regs, but thats it.