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USA legal kit car?
carlknight1982 - 14/9/16 at 09:43 PM

Hi guys

I'm thinking of emigrating to the USA but Seem To recall when Ashg went he couldn't take His roadster with him, so my question is this does anyone know A legal way to Import my car into The Usa Or The reasons why not

Texan - 15/9/16 at 12:42 AM

Why not ask over here:

There are different rules for different states and then there's the Federal problem of the importation of a vehicle. I don't know the answers, but I'll bet someone else on the forum does.

benchmark51 - 15/9/16 at 07:02 AM

Could you take it apart, crate the parts and import it as car parts. Build it back up making any changes necessary for whatever state you are going to? Could ask that on the local forum too.

Ugg10 - 15/9/16 at 08:13 AM

may be worth dropping this guy an email/call, he regularly imports US cars into Uk (hotrods, advertises on Rods'n'Sods website) so may know the legalities of doing it the other way.

russbost - 15/9/16 at 01:05 PM

Depends entirely on which state you are going to. I have a Furore customer over there bought, built & registered the car in AZ, it was then later sold to a guy in CA, he had to go thro' the whole registration process again, but if you can put a Furore on the road in those 2 states, I don't think a 7 would cause much of an issue, but you will find legislation varies drastically from one state to another