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Tiger carbon fibre cycle wings
phelpsa - 26/3/04 at 02:34 PM

£60 for these, sound quite good value. They would fit 15x7s easily. Would they fit a locost?


ned - 26/3/04 at 03:17 PM

you could trying asking tiger!!!


thebutler - 26/3/04 at 04:10 PM

I'd be a bit wary. Ask Viper how he feels about Tiger mouldings

phelpsa - 26/3/04 at 06:41 PM

Where is Viper, haven't heard from him for a little while. What was the matter with the tiger mouldings?


Mark Allanson - 26/3/04 at 08:16 PM

Apparently, they don't fit Tigers!

petescamel - 26/3/04 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
Apparently, they don't fit Tigers!

mark youv'e got it wrong

they fit tigers just not the ones every one else buy

thebutler - 27/3/04 at 02:50 AM

that's my point

phelpsa - 27/3/04 at 08:55 AM

So I shouldn't bother with them?


Northy - 27/3/04 at 09:34 AM

Bit bellow the belt!

They're only cycle wings! They don't really need to "fit" anything. My cycle wings are fine.

Peteff - 27/3/04 at 11:49 AM

If you can't make a pair of cycle wings fit it's time to give up, it's like asking if a hat will fit on your head.

Jasper - 27/3/04 at 12:02 PM

Are they REAL CF, or just that stuff that looks like CF?

phelpsa - 27/3/04 at 01:10 PM

Well, if they expect me to pay £60 for them I jolly well hope they are proper CF. Even if it isn't then they could be caught by the Ad standards agency, cause thats what they advertise them as.


Northy - 27/3/04 at 03:54 PM

Is that £60 a pair?

You don't really expect to get a pair of totally CF cycle wings for £60 do you?

phelpsa - 28/3/04 at 05:56 PM

No, £60 each.


greggors84 - 5/4/04 at 07:07 PM

keep your eyes peeled on ebay we got some for £50 for a pair which were to fit 15s/195 tyres, but were running 16s with 205s so we had to take the Mk Indy stantions through theside of the wing which is really difficult. and ended up making a much bigger dirty hole in the wing which is a shame :'( but a gromet will hide it from maplins

PS: ours were real carbon fibre although they were very thin

Peteff - 5/4/04 at 08:17 PM

That's the idea of carbon fibre, it's to keep the weight down not to look pretty. The look is easy to achieve by cheaper means but it defeats the object. Racing teams paint over it would you believe.

Hellfire - 5/4/04 at 09:09 PM


Original Post by Greggors
making a much bigger dirty hole in the wing which is a shame :'( but a gromet will hide it from maplins

Why try and hide it from Maplin's... do you know something we all should know?

ned - 6/4/04 at 08:27 AM

i've heard that tigers carbon cycle wings are only a wet layup, ie carbon matting laid up wet in a fibreglass type mould. they won't be as light or as strong as a pre-preg carbon cycle wing. depends what properties you want in the wings really. they will look the part and are proper carbon fibre, but don't have the low weight and stiffness properties you might expect..


Martin Sports Car - 9/4/04 at 05:59 PM

Hi there,

I made my own to and they feet 205 tyres R15 wheels

kingr - 10/4/04 at 12:00 AM

Ummm, they're cycle wings, who gives a crap if they're solid CF and whether they're wet lay up or prepreg? There's precisely 0 point in having a solid prepreg autoclaved cycle wing, they'll look no prettier than CF over GRP, the weight savings will be so tiny as to be not worth worrying about and the cost, by their very nature will be far more than a more pedestrian method. All they'll do is cause genuine heart ache when one flys off and gets crushed under a lorry. But hey, if you're really worried about the structural properties of your cycle wings, I'm sure Reverie would be only too happy to make you a set of the most expensive cycle wings on earth. Whilst your at it, I'd recomend you get them to gold plate the inside surfaces to allow better heat transfer.
