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good day at stoneleigh!
keith - 8/5/07 at 09:09 PM

just thought i would say hello to every one we met at show,hi to soggy,car looked great,the tall fella and wife cant remember your name sorry (had exhaust silencer on shoulder ,sounds painfull)had a great day and drove home in the rain,well had a few spots on my visor,hope to see you all again at newark, Rescued attachment stoneleigh.JPG
Rescued attachment stoneleigh.JPG

stevec - 8/5/07 at 10:37 PM

I saw you both go by but never found you after that, Catch you out and about soon,

ayoungman - 9/5/07 at 07:57 AM

I looked at these Avons, very nice indeed.

DaveFJ - 9/5/07 at 11:10 AM

Tall fella with a silencer and missus in tow - that would be me then

Had a good day on Sunday but sopent so much time looking around the stalls that i didn't sctuall get to look round the show at all!

Still got to see some fine Avons - Soggy seems to have set a new bench mark for the build great car...

Keith - both cars looked great and have provided suitable inspiration for the boot cover - thanks

When is Newark - you never know - I might just make it in time!

keith - 9/5/07 at 07:25 PM

hi dave sorry i forgot your name just had a look at your secret roll-bar,i promise i wont tell any one, whoops!!!!!!!!!!! Rescued attachment Angry-PC-User.gif
Rescued attachment Angry-PC-User.gif

keith - 9/5/07 at 08:58 PM

hi steve,just seen some photos of your car on clubs & events,see you soon at the griffin inn,nice to talk to you! Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg
Rescued attachment both cars outside pub.jpg