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It's the way he told them....
McLannahan - 22/2/12 at 10:25 PM

Frank Carson has died

mookaloid - 22/2/12 at 10:36 PM

I went to a dinner once where he did some after dinner speaking. I laughed so much it hurt - he was a very funny man.

clairetoo - 23/2/12 at 07:14 AM

Effortless , natural and very funny - a sad loss

Myke 2463 - 23/2/12 at 11:51 AM

Flew to Dublin on the same Ryan Air flight with him. Just as good as his club acts. Sad loss to comedy and the world.

woodster - 23/2/12 at 03:36 PM

a comedy legend and it really was "how he told them" ...... RIP Frank god bless you

TPG - 23/2/12 at 05:37 PM

One of the last classic comics. Can you imagine the fun him and Les Dawson will be having now where ever they are?