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SVA fail
scoobyis2cool - 27/9/04 at 10:42 AM

Had my SVA this morning and unfortunately it failed

Still, it wasn't too bad, only really a couple of major-ish things that are concerning me:

My plastic fuel tank decided to wait until 7am this morning to split and start leaking everywhere! It was the first time i'd fully filled the tank so obviously the extra weight inside just pushed it over the edge. The tank came with my Indy deluxe kit so I'll get onto MK this afternoon...

The couldn't test the speedo because the needle kept "blipping". For example he got it levelled out at about 30 and suddenly it jumped to 40 and then back again. i personally didn't see this and haven't noticed it happen whilst driving, I can only think that the sensor mount might be a bit flimsy (aluminium), and could be bouncing around, messing up the reading. i'll replace it with something a bit more substantial...

Finally, my indicators were not far enough out towards the outer edges of the car, so I need to make up some spacers to lengthen them a bit. It'll take a bit of thought but I'm sure it can't be all that difficult. if anyone has done this before and would like to share their method then I'll be grateful

Other than those 3 failures it was just the odd radius to sort out and nut to tighten, all easy enough so overall I'm pretty chuffed!


scotlad - 27/9/04 at 11:10 AM

2 bits of black plastic 20mm conduit done the trick for my indicators- i failed on that too!

scoobyis2cool - 27/9/04 at 11:36 AM

Originally posted by scotlad
2 bits of black plastic 20mm conduit done the trick for my indicators- i failed on that too!

Wow, does that make us fail buddies or something? No, you're right, probably not...

Anyway, how exactly did you fix your conduit? Isn't it flexible or did you get something solid? What's the best way of fixing the indicators to the conduit and the conduit to the nose cone?



[Edited on 27/9/04 by scoobyis2cool]

Lightning - 27/9/04 at 11:52 AM

I gave some to Northy for his test. In aluminium. If he isn't going to keep them he will probably send them to you.

Nice looking car BTW!

Northy - 27/9/04 at 12:15 PM

Are these any good to you?

Send me your address Rescued attachment Ind extensions.jpg
Rescued attachment Ind extensions.jpg

scoobyis2cool - 27/9/04 at 01:06 PM

Hi Graham,

Yeah that's the kind of thing I'm after, I need them to be between 10cm and 15cm long, how long are yours?

How exactly are they made? My dad knows a few companies that could no doubt make something like that if you could give me a rough sketch or something, saves you the hassle of taking them off your car.



Northy - 27/9/04 at 03:25 PM

I've already taken them off. I mean, they fell off.....

I'll measure them tonight for you.


scoobyis2cool - 27/9/04 at 03:28 PM

Haha, isn't it funny how these things have a tendecy to just drop off?!

That'd be great, as I say i need them to be at least 10cm long or they won't quite stick out far enough. If yours aren't quite long enough then if you could just tell me how they are made that would be really helpful. I assume there is space inside for the wiring?

I'll U2U you my address incase they are long enough



Northy - 27/9/04 at 09:08 PM

Unfortunately they are only 70mm long. Are you sure you need them that long?

Here's a couple of pictures to show you what they are like. The indicator is a push fit into one end (wrap some tape round) and I also fitted a little grub screw to grip it. In the other end just tap a tread, and drill the centre out of a bolt. Thread the wires through the middle.

I'm sure TPG (member on here) said he used some flat bar bent over at the ends and radiused.

Let me know if you still want them. Rescued attachment Extension 1.jpg
Rescued attachment Extension 1.jpg

Northy - 27/9/04 at 09:12 PM

And another Rescued attachment Extension 2.jpg
Rescued attachment Extension 2.jpg

scoobyis2cool - 28/9/04 at 09:36 AM

Thanks Graham those pics are great. Don't worry about sending them, unfortunately my indicators were a good 100mm inboard so I do need them longer. I'm sure I can manage to knock something up, better get cracking!

