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paperwork required for new reg
gaz_gaz - 5/10/17 at 04:58 PM

Can anyone give me a list of what paperwork is required for a new registration.

russbost - 6/10/17 at 07:36 AM

If you mean a reg as new vehicle, ie currently 67 plate then you need to show that all MAJOR parts are new, in particular chassis, engine, gearbox, diff, "axles" (their description not mine), brakes, in addition,probably, wheels/tyres, seats, steering wheel, belts the exact requirements vary depending which particular 12 year old at Swansea is looking at the application, they appear to change/make up their own rules all the time.

Of the above MAJOR components you are allowed one component (in the case of bike engine this can be engine/gearbox, however I know of someone on this forum who was given a Q plate because they wouldn't accept that was only one component!) which can be reconditioned to "as new" standard, any receipt for that work would need to specifically state "as new"

Whatever you do make sure you send anything of any importance to them by recorded mail as they appear to "lose" around 50% of applications, when you point out they have signed for the documents they strangely manage to "find" them again!

loggyboy - 6/10/17 at 07:52 AM

and a V627/1

[Edited on 6-10-17 by loggyboy]

gaz_gaz - 6/10/17 at 06:59 PM

So basically I need 3 receipts?

1 from kit manufacturer worded
"Complete kit supplied minis engine and gearbox"
All parts new or words to that effect.

1 from Gearbox supplier stating gearbox supplied new

and 1 from engine builder stating "engine reconditioned to as new condition"

Is there anything else I'm perhaps overlooking?

loggyboy - 6/10/17 at 08:12 PM

Originally posted by gaz_gaz
So basically I need 3 receipts?

1 from kit manufacturer worded
"Complete kit supplied minis engine and gearbox"
All parts new or words to that effect.

1 from Gearbox supplier stating gearbox supplied new

and 1 from engine builder stating "engine reconditioned to as new condition"

Is there anything else I'm perhaps overlooking?

Not really. Thats it.
However I have also kept every other recipt for new items I have bought so I can throw a book of receipts at them to reinforce the newness of my build. Things like calipers, discs, pads, lights, dials etc etc.