not sure if this is of use to any of the hobbiest types on here but I have approx half a PVC curtain sider in red, taken from the largest artic,
it's massive.
I used the other half to PVC weld myself a fully waterproof and very durable PVC cover for my trailer, which I threw over a lightweight and
removalable metal frame. I just used a domestic hot air gun, and a hard plastic roller, and its worked very well.
here is a photo of mine about half way through, I don't have a photo of the finished artical, but you get the idea...
anyway, the other half is behind the shed in the back garden and it needs to go, before I skip it I thought I'd offer it on here
Free, collection only
Based in north west england, and I wouldn't come if your afraid of spiders, it will likley to home to some WHOPPERS this time of year!
Damn, wrong end on the country (me that is)
I'll have it please.
I've been thinking of doing the same with my trailer.
Where did you get the curtain from and what sort of cost was it?