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Bike license
tegwin - 8/5/11 at 02:10 PM

Ok, so I have been telling myself for years that I cant really trust myself with a bike...however... common sence cant win this argument..

So I am thinking about getting my bike license and a bike...

However I am confused... I am 23 so I could do the DAS course, but do I need a CBT first?

Anyone done this process recently and have any exact figures of how much it will cost to get the license?

bmseven - 8/5/11 at 02:37 PM

Everyone needs to do a cbt prior to going on the road, costs anything from £350 upwards

[Edited on 8/5/11 by bmseven]

Chippy - 8/5/11 at 02:39 PM

I know that "Robocog" recently took up biking and has gone through the test so may be worth sending him a U2U. HTH Ray

CraigJ - 8/5/11 at 02:55 PM

Did mine last year. Brother-in-law is doing his now.

You must do a CBT course first, Around 100 quid.
Get your Theory out of the way, About 35 quid.
Then lessons.

Test is in two parts. Mod 1 and Mod 2.

You can do it in a week course or over a few week.
If you do it in one week bear in mind that if you fail the mod 1 you cant do the mod 2 so £75 down the pan.

Mod 1, £15.50
Mod 2, £75

It cost me about £475 doing it over a few week. One week course do normally cost more around £600.

This was my first bike last summer

Sold it and now have a 2009 Z750

cossiebri - 8/5/11 at 04:09 PM

You have to do the theory test first, done mine last month.
Have booked a 4 day course inc cbt, booked mid april, got it end of may £520 inc hire of bike/test's etc. It has now gone up by over a hundred quid cos the weather is getting nicer.
Have got a bike (suzuki sv650s),got helmet/clothing/boot's, just got to get a pair of good gloves (want knox handroid but they're £150!!)
Just need a license now......

GeorgeM - 8/5/11 at 05:56 PM

did my cbt (£100) & theory (£35) last year.
doing DAS pt 1 next week (£200).
will do pt 2 (£275) in a couple of weeks

My training place does them seperately if u want
so no loss if you fail pt 1 (not that I expect to !)

StevieB - 8/5/11 at 06:15 PM

Totally worth doing.

I did my CBT last September and have been slowly working through the various bits as and whe time and money allows.

I passed my Mod 1 today without hassle and am hoping to get 1st June booked to kill off Mod 2 and be done with it (I want to get the final part done ASAP after Mod 2 so as not to let any bad habits form and forget any of the good stuff to ensure a pass).

tegwin - 8/5/11 at 06:31 PM

From a standing start, how many "lessons" do you think you needed?

I ride mountain bikes all the time on and off road, so have quite a good balance for low speed riding etc which hopefully will transfer to the powered variety...

I guess I should really go chat with some of the local schools...

cd.thomson - 9/5/11 at 07:39 AM

I passed with 4 full days of riding + 1 day CBT

I'm not sure how much your mountain biking will help, staying on a bike is more about clutch, rev and rear brake control rather than out and out balance! It is genuinely easier than you think though..