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anyone ever used the Arduino for electronics based prototyping?
bi22le - 22/8/14 at 07:18 PM

Completely non car related.

I am currently working on a project with serious world wide conquering potential, honest!! I need to make a device that has temp sensing inputs as well as potentially humidity inputs. With the addition of timers I need it to jave switched outputs and a couple of low current resistance outputs. All simple stuff but I cant be arsed to build this and all of the sensors.

in maplins today for something unrelated I noticed Arduino kit. It looks like it should do the job. Has anyone ever used it for prototyping? How easy is it to program?

Is it sensible for the above OI management?

Any other comments?

stevebubs - 22/8/14 at 07:23 PM

Arduino or raspberry Pi should be kid on the block...

[Edited on 22/8/14 by stevebubs]

[Edited on 22/8/14 by stevebubs]

rf900rush - 22/8/14 at 07:35 PM


I have only used them twice, as I use Microchip's devices mainly.

Both my Arduino projects had all the hard work done by others.

One was a Temperature controller for a surface mount PCB oven, and the other a Video goggle head tracker.

I would do a good search for arduino projects similar to yours to see if some of the work has been done before.

Have a look at stores like for add on boards / sensors.

You will of course new to program the device using a language like "C"

joneh - 22/8/14 at 07:38 PM

Yup, plenty of scripts available to download that'll probably do exactly what you want on the arduino site.

Easy and cheap.

jossey - 22/8/14 at 07:38 PM

Yes I prefer the pi but I use arduino when I need something a little more flexible. Contrary to popular belief and the stats the pi isn't as good due to power consumption. You should be fine with either but the pi will eat the battery more.

It's really can you do c++ or Linux will make the decision for you.


bi22le - 22/8/14 at 09:57 PM

I dont want to use a pi as I want something quick and simple.

I.was also hoping for a GI programming interface so I dont have to learn C.

any help regarding this?

tegwin - 22/8/14 at 10:10 PM

Theres a couple of flow-chart based GI writing tools for arduino. Ok to get the basics done. Can't remember their names but google should find them for you.

Acc8braman - 23/8/14 at 05:44 AM


They are used quite a lot in the Marine fish keeping world. Go to and go to Systems then lighting section. Or go to the sub forum for LEDS

Some of the guys building LED Lighting units are using them.

Awesome stuff.

Wish I still had mine.

[Edited on 23/8/14 by Acc8braman]

[Edited on 23/8/14 by Acc8braman]

[Edited on 23/8/14 by Acc8braman]