Iva retest at Northam today, last time failed on usual sharp edge stuff but engine wouldn't run properly at revs for noise test and speedo check,
changed fuel pump for retest and on try out at home held revs fine so thought I'd cracked it, sure enough held revs fine and passed noise test,
passed all other rechecks (edges etc) but when dropped in rollers for speedo check refused to pull under load and wouldn't go over 35 mph and
struggled to do that. Set up is twin 40 on cvh engine (1.6) with new webcon pump and lumenition ignition, not sure whether to set light to the
frusrtrating heap or give it one more try. The difficulty is trying it under load before the next test as examiner told I get one more go then its a
full retest !
Slightly good news was the speedo showed 35 mph and the examiners gadget showed 32 (acewell 3100 unit) so set up may be ok if it ever runs right not
sure what to check next, any suggestions ?
Take it to a rolling road and have it setup properly is now your only option. It’s got to be worth it and cheaper than a full Iva test
Have to agree with a rolling road set up , plus it will get the best performance out of the engine
as above get the car setup properly.
I failed in April at Northam. I chucked the car on the trailer and dragged it upto Dale at Bailey Performance. Dale worked his magic and the the end
result was a stress free pass at the retest.
It's a bit of a trek but well worth it in my opinion.
As above,needs a rolling road session.
It's quite a undersight IMO to not do it before a IVA anyway when you are running twin carbs etc
It is hard to get a carby setup running right without a rolling road, or a deserted car park out of town if you don't want to throw the cash at it. But you're building a car, you've already thrown cash at it
I had a similar issue on my pinto at Iva, took it rolling road and fixed in minutes. Turned out the valve clearances were completely wrong and abusing no other symptom than a lack of power.
Originally posted by theduck
I had a similar issue on my pinto at Iva, took it rolling road and fixed in minutes. Turned out the valve clearances were completely wrong and abusing no other symptom than a lack of power.