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WTD: Bendix FC-313211
MakeEverything - 6/4/10 at 06:57 PM

Im not sure if i can go to Partco with this number and get one there, but its a Clutch slave cylinder. The only other car i can find that it is used on, is the Delorean!

COREdevelopments - 6/4/10 at 07:04 PM

Your local partco should be able to cross reference it.


MakeEverything - 7/4/10 at 09:31 AM

Nope, no joy at all in any of the local motor factors.
Looks like the broadly published number (and the one on the side of the unit) is a casting number.

boggle - 7/4/10 at 11:13 AM

you got a pic of it??

MakeEverything - 7/4/10 at 12:37 PM

Slave Cylinder
Slave Cylinder