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Far cry 2
macspeedy - 28/10/08 at 07:53 PM

so whos got it, gettin it?

mine should arrive tomorrow

looks 2 cool

[Edited on 28/10/08 by macspeedy]

flak monkey - 28/10/08 at 07:56 PM

Got it....on PC

Looks good in max settings!


Davey D - 28/10/08 at 08:02 PM

Ive got it on PC, but i feel queasy playing it.. especially when running i had to quit after 10 mins of playing... havent touched it since

ive read on t'internet that there is a 3rd party fix for it as the aspect ratio on a widescreen monitor is incorrect

roadrunner - 28/10/08 at 08:02 PM

Does look good that, is it as good as my Call of Duty 3 thats just come today.

Daimo_45 - 28/10/08 at 08:42 PM

Why bother with far cry when Call of Duty 5 comes out in less than a month!!!!!!!!

flak monkey - 28/10/08 at 08:43 PM

Over them all I still think Crysis is the best though....

chris_smith - 28/10/08 at 08:57 PM

was pondering getting it, is it as good as crysis?

macspeedy - 28/10/08 at 09:20 PM

have logged lots of hours playing cod4 still better than grand theft auto 4 for online gameplay

tomprescott - 28/10/08 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Davey D
Ive got it on PC, but i feel queasy playing it.. especially when running i had to quit after 10 mins of playing... havent touched it since

ive read on t'internet that there is a 3rd party fix for it as the aspect ratio on a widescreen monitor is incorrect

Reminds me of Unreal Tournament on PS3, that game is so fast and trippy I've only played it twice, it lets you know what its like to have epilepsy!

DIY Si - 28/10/08 at 09:42 PM

Still quite glad that Fallout 3 should drop through the door on Friday. really looking forward to The Fatboy Tactical Nuclear Catapult!

rost - 28/10/08 at 09:46 PM

Imho, Far Cry 2 is soo much more fun than Crysis. Crysis had good graphics, but the gameplay and storyline were terrible!

scootz - 28/10/08 at 10:36 PM

What was wrong with Doom on the Playstation!

After that it was all downhill...

BenB - 28/10/08 at 11:16 PM

Crysis was good. The ending was pants. So obviously a hook to get you to buy part 2......

COD5 meanwhile is seriously whetting my whistle Got to love that WW2 FPS action... Let's hope my box is up to it....

BenB - 28/10/08 at 11:20 PM

Strange that the only "demo" you can get for Far Cry 2 is going to be the full version when it becomes available on utorrent.......

Personally I'd never buy a game where I couldn't play the demo first...

The Great Fandango - 28/10/08 at 11:47 PM

I absolutly love a good PC based 1st person shoot 'em up. Been hooked on ALL the Medal of Honour, Call of Duty, FarCry Crysis type games.

Even went as far as building a Vista based games PC in March. Even with a Ģ400 1Gb nVidia GeForce 9800 GX2 I was diappointed with Crysis with all the detail settings cranked up.

What graphics cards are you chaps using? Not been looking of recent, but what is THE best card to o for these days?

Davey D - 29/10/08 at 08:13 AM

The best cards about currently are the ATI 4870X2 from ATi, and the the GtX280 from Nvidia. Different games work better on different cards.

Ive got an ATi 4850 which seems to do the job quite well. i was a bit sick of spending Ģ300+ on graphics cards like i had done so many times in the past, so this time i thought id go for the newer budget card, and its a great bit of kit for the price. there really is no need to spend top dollar if your only playing at 1680x1050 or below.

bimbleuk - 29/10/08 at 08:34 AM

In comparison to Crysis they have streamlined the graphics engine so my 18 month old HD2900 pro which struggled with Crysis now plays 1680x1050 with near max settings. I feel there is some quality lost but I'm not complaining. More destructable buildings would have been nice and the re-spawing baddies at the check points are a pain. Basically a very slick FPS with plenty of weapons to play with.

Now if you want a game with lots of potential which is still in development then go check out Mount&Blade. Medieval/Mongol inspired role playing game where you can build up a mall army and lead them in to battle all in real time and nicely simulated. Not the most up to date GFX engine but this means even modest PCs can have large numbers of NPCs all hacking at each other during battles.

You can download the full game with a level 6 cap but even better its only 380MB.

[Edited on 29-10-08 by bimbleuk]

Gav - 29/10/08 at 12:23 PM

I've got a quad core with 4gb ram, and a 280GTX

FarCry 2 ~70/80 fps
Crysis ~ 30/40 fps
Crysis Warhead ~ 35/45 fps

Still i dont think you can beat Team Fortress 2 for online playability it has so much depth to it.

[Edited on 29/10/08 by Gav]

Spyderman - 29/10/08 at 05:48 PM

I have Far Cry 2 on 360.
It is excellent. Better than Crysis.
Both solo and online are equally as addictive.
I think that this will take over from COD4 as the most plated game online.
Have COD5 Beta and it is ok, not as good as COD4, but FC2 is better.

All Far Cry 2 needs is a hardcore mode and it will have it all sewn up.

Jonte - 31/10/08 at 08:06 PM

Iīve played FC2 (pc) now for some days and I donīt get excited at all. Just running/driving from one place to another and kill on the way there.
If you leave a crossing or guard post just for a few seconds itīs full of guards again, like nothing happened

I like CoD4 much more on my Xbox360. playing online every evening