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Anyone here on talktalk?
BenB - 5/11/13 at 01:22 PM

Looking at switching broadband/landline and they're pretty damn cheap. Heard a few bad stories about customer service but are they really that bad or just the unhappy people blowing off steam on the 'net?

At the moment with Be (soon to be Sky broadband) but that's costing me £36 for basic line rental and 5Mbs broadband... Unfortunately no cable down our road

Greenie - 5/11/13 at 01:28 PM

I am on TALKTALK and have been for a while now, just upgraded to fibre, not had any issues at all with the service at all!!!!!

mcerd1 - 5/11/13 at 01:40 PM

the GF's parents had issues with them when the line failed - they just didn't seem to be able to send a BT engineer to fix it (took weeks to get sorted)

[Edited on 5/11/2013 by mcerd1]

PhilCross66 - 5/11/13 at 01:46 PM

Talktalk are voted the worst ISP out there year after year for a reason.
In my area they traffic shape their already poor service so much that things like youtube just wont work.
Stay as far away as possible from Talktalk.

eddie99 - 5/11/13 at 01:48 PM

Had Talktalk in Uni at Coventry, and it was terrible. Back with Sky, there customer service is one of the best i have experienced.

BenB - 5/11/13 at 01:49 PM

Not sitting on the fence then? Don't like traffic shaping- mucks up my iplayer streaming.....

Slimy38 - 5/11/13 at 01:56 PM

Another bad mark for talk talk here, it's been a while since I had their service and at the time I didn't know any better. Now we've moved to Sky the difference in service and broadband performance is huge.

Plusnet get consistently high marks, they've been the Which recommended provider several times now.

SALAD - 5/11/13 at 02:00 PM

We're with Talk Talk and I'd say DON'T do it, unless you like spending hours on the phone each month sorting out why they have massively over charged you.....only to be lied to that all is sorted and that it won't happen again.....'till next month, when you find that the operative you 'sorted' it all out with hadn't done a single thing to rectify the situation and made no record of the complaint/conversation.

I had to go to what I was led to believe, quite high up the chain of command before I started receiving correct bills.....and that took about seven months of being over charged and lied to.

Pay that little bit extra to someone else and you should be able to keep your blood pressure at a reasonable level.

[Edited on 5/11/13 by SALAD]

mark chandler - 5/11/13 at 02:24 PM

With talk talk here as well, it's cheap.

Poor experience when it goes wrong, had to query the bill a couple of times but it's been very stable for months now that I have a new router (they tried to charge me for that), on balance I,m happy and would use again as I would rather spend 2 hours a year arguing with customers services than £100 more a year for someone else.

Regards Mark

BenB - 5/11/13 at 02:38 PM

Looks like I'll scrub that idea then Might look at going to Plusnet but by the time I've got an equivalent package it would probably cost about the same. Oh well, was worth trying

McLannahan - 5/11/13 at 02:59 PM

Don't even consider Talk Talk!

I have wasted so many hours of my life trying to sort the shambles that going with their "service" for just two weeks caused.

1 - wrong address engineer turns up next door and she's out. Goes home

2 - engineer goes to wrong address again but I see him and raise my concerns about their ability ( BT engineer but all TTs details, logs etc)

3 left with no working internet and no working phone.

4 different engineer turns up to wrong address. I see him again and he fixes the broadband. Phone unfixed.

5 week or so passes. Engineer turns up to wrong address. "Fixes"my phone but phone won't ring or dial but TT have issued a phone number belonging to a hairdresser in Aldershot.

6 calls meant for hairdresser are now forwarded to my mobile...

I really don't have the energy to type all the issues but in essence over the next week or so...

TT tell me to ring the police about the harassment (read hairdressing appointments) I get. They miss the point they themselves gave me the number..

They steal 80 from my account.

When they give in a accept the number issue they then cancel the account. Except they don't. They attempt to cut off my neighbours house phone as they insist I live there.

Just last week I got another bill for 200. This is for the youview box that never worked. I'd send it back but it has to go through their return service. They say they've sent two bags now to return it in. Not received a thing. I'm guessing next door have them. I don't want to bother her with this as she's be inconvenienced enough by this all.

These are just a few of the faults within two weeks. I'm not exaggerating anything, it's simply appalling. I'm currently going to invoice them now for the phone calls and time wasted. I called last Saturday and got cut off four times, I've probably wasted at least 30 hours on the phone to them.

Please please please.....don't go with talk talk

Nickp - 5/11/13 at 03:00 PM

Was with TALKTALK, incredibly slow speeds, poor reliability
Moved to PLUSNET, speeds increased massively, no reliability issues

BenB - 5/11/13 at 03:31 PM

Okay, I get the message loud and clear. Am as we speak preparing an especially long barge pole to not touch them with

whitestu - 5/11/13 at 04:02 PM

We've been with TT for ages. When it works it is fine and very cheap, but it can be flakey. Having said that I work from home and use it all the time and haven't been unable to work other than once in the past 10 years.

[Edited on 5/11/13 by whitestu]

Peteff - 5/11/13 at 04:29 PM

Not had problems here either, we get 17mbps regular as clockwork and it has only been down about 2 hours in over 3 years. A few times when we've had DNS problems I just switch the router off and on again and it is sorted in minutes without needing any input from Talk Talk but that is the same with any ISP we've had before.

ruskino80 - 5/11/13 at 07:45 PM

talk talks's address for cancellations as printed on their own contract has the incorrect postcode on it and oddly enough they never receive your cancellation-unless you google the building and find the right code! bunch of scumbags.