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Ridiculously cheap J15 project
Andy B - 30/10/13 at 08:48 AM

Hi Guys and Girls
it would appear that of late due to the large footfall the AB Facebook page is turning into a bit of trading page for customers BECs and parts - which I think is great if we can help hook cars up with new owners - to that end theres a load of BECs on there at the mo and knowing how you all like a bargain how about Tim Hoverds J15 RGB car - it needs engine, diff instuments and various other bits and pieces as well as tidying (it is a racecar afterall) but at £2k you could buy the chassis and wheels and tyres for less. It comes with cradles for 07 blade and 08 onwards having been both in the past and would build up into a super little trackday car relatively quickly and cheaply.
Have a look at

The customer for sale section is something I am thinking of actively expanding but at present I am limiting it to BEC related stuff as I dont like talking about stuff I dont understand!
If you have a car or parts email a piccy and details and I will see what we can do for you

scootz - 30/10/13 at 08:49 AM

Bugger Bugger Bugger... it's all in the timing! I would have snapped this up a few months back, but alas the garage is full.

Andy B - 30/10/13 at 08:59 AM

knowing your ability to sniff out a bargain, have you ever thought about seeing if you can grab a deal on a larger workshop - if you can I will gladly help you fill it up over the next year or so!!

scootz - 30/10/13 at 09:09 AM

nick205 - 30/10/13 at 02:31 PM

Garage sale at yours then Scootz?

scootz - 30/10/13 at 03:17 PM

There's a for sale ad coming up very soon!

welderman - 30/10/13 at 03:28 PM

Make room for the Procomp too

scootz - 30/10/13 at 05:16 PM

If I'd not bought the Quantum Joe...

welderman - 30/10/13 at 06:03 PM

I know. Sod's law. If I've still got it when your ready then I'll bring it up to you

hobbsy - 31/10/13 at 12:33 AM

That's a demonic number of Facebook likes you have at the moment Andy!

Andy B - 31/10/13 at 11:37 AM

Hi Dave - thankfully someone else has liked the page since so we wont be descending into the firey
pits of hell just yet!!!

bobinspain - 1/11/13 at 07:18 AM

Been there! (Fiery pits of hell).
Not recommended!