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avon aeroscreen type thing
k33ts - 6/1/06 at 10:31 PM

ive been busy over crimbo and knocked this up what do you think!!!
its not fitted yet just pulled it out of the mould and plonked it on.

k33ts - 6/1/06 at 10:33 PM

should be easier to mount clocks now

kevin booth - 6/1/06 at 10:37 PM

very nice looks just the job,can you do me one and how much ?.

givemethebighammer - 6/1/06 at 10:39 PM

Looks great but can't stop thinking about this for some reason

Rescued attachment 929_p.jpg
Rescued attachment 929_p.jpg

k33ts - 6/1/06 at 10:47 PM

lol i like it

keets - 6/1/06 at 11:07 PM

nice one bro but it looks better on her

dave1888 - 6/1/06 at 11:10 PM

Like it alot. How did you go about making the plug.

mookaloid - 6/1/06 at 11:23 PM

I think he took the plug off this: Rescued attachment 929_p.jpg
Rescued attachment 929_p.jpg

RazMan - 6/1/06 at 11:29 PM

I thought car bras were meant to go on the front

Seriously though, I quite like it. Are you going to paint it body colour or a contrast?

givemethebighammer - 6/1/06 at 11:35 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid
I think he took the plug off this:

Either his car is very small or that's one big lady (but still perfectly proportioned)

k33ts - 7/1/06 at 12:31 AM

changing colour of car completely ent decided what colour yet gona doit all same.
might have small perspex screen.

heres some pics of the plug build for those intereted,
loads of strips of wood
loads of filler
loads of rubbing & rubbing

k33ts - 7/1/06 at 12:32 AM


k33ts - 7/1/06 at 12:33 AM


emsfactory - 7/1/06 at 10:19 AM

Looks good. What did you use to seal your plug?

k33ts - 7/1/06 at 10:33 AM

just testing with colours with the blue then 2k laquer

emsfactory - 7/1/06 at 01:06 PM

So can you use 2k to seal a plug then? I saw some blue on your scuttle.
Is this paint or release agent?

k33ts - 7/1/06 at 01:21 PM

the blue on the panel is release agent (pva) i didnt use wax, sprayed on the pva finish is pretty good im going to spray it anway.
you need to have a shiny finish on buck either cellulose or laqure

wicket - 7/1/06 at 01:41 PM

Looks good, a lot of hard work but worth it.

One comment though, is the top edge SVA proof?

k33ts - 7/1/06 at 02:44 PM

dont know and dont care im already sva'd
im sure with a padded dash it would b ok anyhow.

[Edited on 7/1/06 by k33ts]

[Edited on 7/1/06 by k33ts]