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Track car and day experience day packages?
MK9R - 3/3/11 at 09:17 AM

After speaking to a some people who have been on these experience days ranging from Palmer sport days to the super car "3 laps at walking pace" days i was wondering if there was a gap in the market.

All hyperthetical and ignoring running costs, do you think if someone was offering 3 x15 minute sessions at a privately rented track, where you have the choice between a few different cars (tack focused kits mainly) and you were actually allowed to give the car some stick, would get many takers. Obviously it would depend on cost, but what do you think people/you would pay? i was thinking a price of £275 would be something near what people would pay.

swanny - 3/3/11 at 10:08 AM

its the sort of thing i'd be interested in though the price is a bit high for me.
but i would like the chance to get a bit of time out on track, i'd love an hours worth of track time at a variety of different circuits, just to experience it.

the other thing is that if you go to places like curborough with various clubs you can get an unlimited afternoons worth for 60 quid or less.

would be interested to hear more though

MK9R - 3/3/11 at 10:19 AM

Originally posted by swanny
its the sort of thing i'd be interested in though the price is a bit high for me.
but i would like the chance to get a bit of time out on track, i'd love an hours worth of track time at a variety of different circuits, just to experience it.

the other thing is that if you go to places like curborough with various clubs you can get an unlimited afternoons worth for 60 quid or less.

would be interested to hear more though

But that doesn't include the car, thats the expensive part. A mornings trackday is usually around the £100-120 mark, this would giove you 3 x 20 minute sessions in your car. So i thought £275 this sounded bloody reasonable, the 3 sessions could be spread through the day if the entire day was wanted

yozza - 3/3/11 at 11:18 AM

Hi there
I had a day at Oulton in an XR2 which was hired and loved it. I know a lot of people work shifts who have free days during the week and would love the chance to do this, especially in something set up properly. I would be very interested. My own car is useless for a track day, the car i am building is not ready and i need to get some time on the track. The difficult bit is, what happens when/ if someone stuffs the car? I signed an indemnity for around £1500 for the day. Three, twenty minute sessions would be ideal and your price seems very good to me. Let me know if you go ahead.

TMC - 3/3/11 at 12:14 PM


Unfortunately if you were only charging £275 per person, per car and you wanted to hire a track privately to do it, you would need over 100 cars to make anything like a profit! Have a look at the size of the operation at PalmerSport for example.
However, if you run the same idea at established track days (see Book-a-track for example) then you would stand more chance. The idea does exist already and has been run by people like BaT quite successfully for some time. They actually now organise trackdays, bring their hire cars and then sell the other slots on the day to regular track day goers who bring their own cars, in order to make up the financial short fall.

The other consideration is that you will open it up to absolutely anyone to jump in the car and head out onto the circuit. You don't know their experience, nor their skill level and there is every chance that they will vastly overestimate this themselves! Insurance therefore becomes necessary, and unfortunately no amount of indemnities/waivers/disclaimers can make you force a customer to pay for the car they have damaged.
This then brings in the need for instructors to be in the cars to prevent this, which is a further expense, and can, in some people's eyes, bring you back to the situation where the customer feels they are being restrained and not allowed to push, even though the experienced one in the passenger seat knows that "pushing" will lead to crashing!

That all being said, I am sure there is a market for this type of thing that falls somewhere between arrive n drive racing and the "Red Letter" type experiences.
I've got quite a bit of experience at both ends of that scale and all the bits in between, so if you are keen to pursue this and would like some added input, drop me a U2U or an email and we'll see what we can come up with!
