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any graphic designers out there?
blueskate - 10/8/11 at 07:58 PM


Anyone a graphic designer? I'm looking for some help to design a wedding invitation. It's really simple but my artistic skills stop at stick men...



NigeEss - 10/8/11 at 10:43 PM

Stick men are my limit too but a friends daughter is training to be a tatooist and
is artistically brilliant.

I hate her...............................not really.......................................

designer - 11/8/11 at 08:26 AM

There are loads of layouts free on the net for download.

Or you could use something like this:

blueskate - 11/8/11 at 08:36 AM

The missus is being quite specific and I can't find anything on the net that is similar to what she wants. (picture of a loose knot on the front going the whole way across the invitation, names and a date. Then details on the back).

trikerneil - 11/8/11 at 12:12 PM

Any help?
