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Giant wrant for a good reason! SOCD
tegwin - 16/4/07 at 10:21 PM

SOCD- Silly old codger desiese.....

What is with all of these spoons who have come out of hibernation to torment us all on the roads....

I had a very important meeting thisafternoon, the journey usually takes me 30 mins....I allowed myself a full hour...

10 mins into the journey (on an A road with national limit) I come across some cocksod doing 40....The road was very windy so couldnt overtake....lord only knows why he randomly decided to brake, not only for corners.....

I was late for my apointment by 5 mins...When you are trying to make a good first impression thats the last thing you want and it doesnt do your nervs any good!.....

There seem to be a lot of these SOCD's comming out at the moment.....

Do they do it on purpose or are they just damn thick upstairs?

The bad part of the story is, some of the cars with SOCD victims inside have been one hell of a lot more powerfull than my rusty tintop....



Rant over...sorry about that folks!

blakep82 - 16/4/07 at 10:28 PM

my feeling too, 20mph through town te other day... for 6 miles

Confused but excited. - 16/4/07 at 11:14 PM

I find it interesting that you think 40mph on a winding road, that you have to share with other road users, too slow.
We have drivers like that down here as well. So far they have caused over twenty accidents in less than ten years. Even managed to kill some school children.


zetec7 - 16/4/07 at 11:28 PM

Some of the old codgers drive nice cars, all right. I was trying to get around a huge lump of slow traffic on my Kawasaki, and finally managed. The bottleneck was caused by a guy who had to be at least 90 years old, doing 40 kmh in the passing lane in a 90 kmh zone, alongside a slow tractor, and not passing of course. He was so old (and short) that he was looking through the steering wheel to drive, with his chin on the hub of the wheel (maybe he thinks he can see better if he gets a few inches closer by leaning forward?).

What REALLY hurt is that the old sod was driving in top gear at that speed (car was shaking, bucking and clattering) in a...wait for it... Ferrari 248GT. Makes you want to cry.

Confused but excited. - 16/4/07 at 11:37 PM

They aren't all that bad. There are two old dears near to where I live, both over 70. One drives an MX5, the other drives a very nice bright red Scoobie and I bet half of you young would-be Schumachers would be hard pressed to keep up with her.

[Edited on 16/4/07 by Confused but excited.]

RK - 17/4/07 at 12:29 AM

Well, it's only going to get worse, as the population ages. It's one thing I'm not looking forward to when I move back to Victoria... The speed limit of 80 kmh on that flat, wide, section of the Malahat is the most irritating however. That would be the one that cost my wife $100 once...

Howlor - 17/4/07 at 09:07 AM

I spotted last year pulling on to the M25 what looked like an original 250 gto Ferrari. Not 100% certain that it was a 250 gto as not a ferrari fanatic but vertainly looked like it to me. This thing was very very original and looked well used. This thing flew past me up the slip road really giving it some welly.

Looked across and the old guy driving it must have been 90+ and his wife the same. She was so small she only just could see above the dash top.

Absolute respect for using the thing and driving like that at his age. Sounded gorgeous.

Mr Whippy - 17/4/07 at 09:21 AM

When I lived in Inverness and in my prime mad loony driving stage I use to race this old granny (white hair and at least in her late 60’s) almost every week, she had a Golf of some sort and me my A-Team style gas flowed Cortina. Boy could she drive and always made me smile when I noticed her in the mirror switch on her lights, come thundering up from behind, then it would be me struggled to keep up drifting round the bends

David Jenkins - 17/4/07 at 09:45 AM

My 80+ mother-in-law is a reasonable driver - keeps a decent speed up, indicates where required, and generally knows how to behave in traffic.

My father-in-law is an APPALLING driver, who should have his licence taken away! Never in the right lane, even if there's been signs for the last 200 yards, always about 5mph slower than the rest of the traffic, and always seems to be about 2 seconds behind current events... and will never concede that he might be in the wrong.

So there are both good and bad old drivers around, you just never notice the good ones!


zxrlocost - 17/4/07 at 10:04 AM

SOCD they have all week off all the time in the world to do there things.

I go to work I have a bit of spare time in the evening or weekends to perhaps go and tax my car or get the food shopping

so Blow me down what do they do

do everything in the spare time I get

and why oh why if your one of these saddo's or your wife is please answer and just let me know why

WHY when a new Morrisons, ASDA or tescos open up do you queue and sit in Traffic for the whole evening to get in the place do you convince yourself the week before that its going to sell anything different than the other 17 stores within 5 miles?

MikeRJ - 17/4/07 at 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Confused but excited.
I find it interesting that you think 40mph on a winding road, that you have to share with other road users, too slow.

That depends totally on the road in question. I drive through a fairly twisty B road everyday to work, and 60mph is quite ok on many stretches. Inevitably it's not possible to do that kind of speed because of the drivers that the OP is talking about, pottering along at 35-40mph, braking every time a car passes them coming the other way, or even for a slight bend in the road. They will be holding up a huge queue of traffic behind them, but they will be totaly oblivious of it.

Equally inevitably, they carry on at 35-40mph after they enter the 30mph residential area (with school!) at one end of the road, and will also crawl up the sliproad to the fast dual carriageway at the other end doing the same speed, making no attempt to merge safely with the traffic.

David Jenkins - 17/4/07 at 01:03 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Equally inevitably, they carry on at 35-40mph after they enter the 30mph residential area

That annoys me in my village - there's a mile-long stretch from the A12, then a 30mph limit in the village. Some drivers pootle along at 40mph all the way from the A12, holding everyone up, then continue at that speed (or accelerate!) in the village itself.

It's simple lazyness.


Confused but excited. - 17/4/07 at 01:12 PM

Let's face it guys, regardless of age some drivers are just oblivious incinsiderate tw@ts! There are more than enough of young dickheads out there as well.

David Jenkins - 17/4/07 at 01:40 PM

In all fairness, I sometimes wonder what people call me when I'm out in the Locost! I do tend to 'get a move on' at times. At least I can overtake easily in that thing.

It's amazing how an overgrown gokart can bring out the hooligan...


ewan - 17/4/07 at 02:00 PM

Try getting something quick in B & Q on pensioners discount day, and the car park is a joke, went in last week to buy some tubing wated about 25 mins, and there is about 200 spaces but it was full with about 130 cars parked everywhere.

tegwin - 17/4/07 at 02:13 PM

Im glad its not just me thats frustrated with them LOL!!!

My 80 yearold grandmother can drive faster and better than I someone said, its just some tossers who dont really care....

Is it wrong to give them some middle finger love and some hornage when you finaly manage to overtake the knobs?

Neville Jones - 17/4/07 at 03:14 PM

The trouble with most of the old gits driving about is that they can't see more than 10ft in front of them. Thats why they drive so slow, and breake randomly.

They should have proper eye tests every year, and a competence test every year when past 70 as well.
