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Megajolt + win95
Chaz - 26/4/06 at 09:56 AM

Has anyone been able to get megajolt lite to work on a win95 OS? If so, how?

Surrey Dave - 26/4/06 at 12:04 PM

Dont know about Win95 , but it worked on Win98 for me , but I believe you have to have Sun Java environments installed.

Chaz - 26/4/06 at 12:48 PM

The Sun Java enviroments doesnt seem to work on win95. Has anyone got thiers working on win95, how did you do it?

Surrey Dave - 26/4/06 at 02:08 PM

Got a Win98 upgrade CD.

muzchap - 26/4/06 at 02:15 PM

Just upgrade to 98...

A laptop capable of running 95, should be able to run 98 = search there for win95 ---> win98 upgrade disc

paulf - 26/4/06 at 09:22 PM

Hi Chaz
There is now a good windows based version of the tuning software that works on win 95.I have it set up and working on a win 95 laptop and it is easy to use with some extra features.Go to the megajolt site here and download it.

Chaz - 27/4/06 at 11:56 AM

Thanks paul, saving my bacon, yet again!

oh, which one is it though? None specifically say 'compatible with win95'?

[Edited on 27-4-06 by Chaz]

paulf - 27/4/06 at 08:24 PM

The latest version of Megajolt lite tuner works on win 95 .It is in the contributed files area.

Chaz - 28/4/06 at 11:38 AM

Ok i got the upgraded megajolt. But when i run it, it says 'Abnormal Program Termination'. Any guesses?

All i did was install that version straight onto win95. Do i need any kind of java, any other upgrades?

