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How to use a spray gun?
coozer - 10/8/13 at 01:08 PM

Ok, i have a gravity feed spray gun that came with my Aldi compressor. It was a long time ago so no instructions.

How do I set it up? How much air pressure?

Its got a 1.5 nozzle on it and a few knobs around it..

After taking about 4 hours for the first coat on my chassis I thought I'd give the spraying a run out for the second coat.

Any help would be much appreciated.

jossey - 10/8/13 at 01:25 PM

Look here.

First thing is first the manual of the spray gun will give you the pressure guide and cfm so you know how long it will last. I have a 150 ltr compressor and I can't paint a whole car in one go.

I have had a look for my old gun and manual but no luck so you need to try find one on the net if possible.


[Edited on 10/8/13 by jossey]

coozer - 10/8/13 at 01:45 PM

Seen that thread but I need to know how to set up and use the gun.

I've NEVER used a spray gun before...

MkII - 10/8/13 at 02:06 PM

I would set the pressure at 45 psi to start with and experiment with pressure and other settings as you go. The knob on the back of the gun controls the amount of paint coming out of the gun and the knob on the side controls the shape of the spray is impossible to tell you how much to open each knob as all spray guns are different . Put some cheap thinners in the gun set both knobs 1 turn out from fully closed and have a practice on a big piece of cardboard so you can experiment with settings and see what difference they make.

[Edited on 10/8/13 by MkII]

sebastiaan - 10/8/13 at 02:58 PM

You should also be able to rotate the nozzle to get either a vertical or a horizontal "fan" of paint. Experiment and have fun!

Oh, and start on something that's going to be hidden away later ;-)

jossey - 10/8/13 at 03:10 PM

get some wood or a piece of scrap sheet metal to play with.

Sorry I thought that link had some info on setting up the gun.

I use mine at 50PSi its similar to yours.

I only use the 1.5 for primer.

I use a 1.2 for the main coat.

That said I did use the 1.5 for many years.

Your gun is set up to put a vertical line on the paintwork which is how I use it.

I use a similar techneque to this one to setup the gun

Make sure you get the measuring plastic cups for mixing the pain as the correct mix will make it alot easier to paint.

So playing with the settings on the gun is next.

I use an external filter and reg as this offers up a better flow.

When you are starting to spray fill the compressor and then draw off some air until the compressor starts up then start painting this stops a pressure change and reduces uneven paint.

Work at about a foot from the work you are doing and go over 25% of the last line. if it runs then your go fasts if it is very light then go slower. If you make a mess on an area. Dont do what I have in the past and try to go back over the areas too light or try blow air on the runs. Just finish the area and then go have several beers. Then sleep then sand up the mistake the next day and do another coat.

I hope this helps you somewhat.

[Edited on 10/8/13 by jossey]

jossey - 10/8/13 at 03:12 PM

Ohhh Pooo i forgot to mention.....

The top on the paint filler lid needs to be open and keep cleaning the hole with a tooth pick etc...

I spend months messing up paint work cos I didnt open the hole and the paint would always get lighter n lighter n then drip ...


ashg - 10/8/13 at 03:21 PM

For a hvlp gun like that you want around 30-40psi nob on the back controls paint flow nob on the side controls width of the spray pattern

plentywahalla - 10/8/13 at 05:00 PM

I found out (the hard way!) that the two most useful accessories to get a professional finish are some filter papers and a viscosity cup.

Both ensure that the paint itself is in perfect condition for spraying. Then you know that the only variable left is your gun.

Also it saves money on wasted paint!

r1_pete - 10/8/13 at 05:04 PM

Here's what all the controls do:

Best thing to do is experiment with the volume and fan controls on some cardboard, or similar, to get a feel of all the adjustments.

Steve's gun
Steve's gun

coozer - 10/8/13 at 05:10 PM

Ok chaps thanks. I've had a look on youtube as well so fingers crossed

coozer - 11/8/13 at 03:30 PM

Well, all I can say is THANK YOU!

I hummed and harrred this morning, filled the gun with water and had a go at setting it.., let it dry out, mixed the paint 7:1 + 10% thinners.. let go on the chassis and WOW I really thought it would have been a hand full with paint flying all over but it was very easy..

Couple of things I've learned, keeping the air pressure @ 45psi was nearly impossible.. and not putting the paint through a filter.. the jet was blocked slighlty with bits of fibre? Anyway I noticed the paint was stopping but that was right at the end and after I'd painted my engine crane as well!

Really chuffed, it took 5 hours with a brush and used 800ml, 1 hour with the spray gun and I used 900ml


jossey - 11/8/13 at 04:09 PM

Glad it worked out for you pal...

thefreak - 12/8/13 at 11:22 AM

This is my next job for the weekend
I've got the paint, thinners, primer and mask. What's this about filters and pressure regulators? Do I need to go buy more things?!

trextr7monkey - 12/8/13 at 12:07 PM

looks ace, in the home straight now! just the total reassembly and bodywork, a mere trifle to a man of your talents looking forward to seeing and hearing the finished product