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Wiring loom
Stuart_B - 16/1/08 at 01:24 PM

hi i am trying to use the wiring loom from my sierra, but i do not know what i need to keep and what i need to take out??



speedyxjs - 16/1/08 at 01:26 PM

Make a list of all the electrics you want and chuck out the rest

RichardK - 16/1/08 at 01:31 PM

Keep everything and try to take it out withought cutting it and lable all connectors as you take them off. You will be surprised at how many connectors you might need. I would only chuck it after your car is complete, you know sods law and all that.

Just my 2 penneth


Stuart_B - 16/1/08 at 01:53 PM

when i took it out of the sierra i labeled all the connectors which were pluged in.

As well where does the fuse box go??

And how does this work, picture below?? Rescued attachment kit car 032.jpg
Rescued attachment kit car 032.jpg

Macbeast - 16/1/08 at 04:00 PM

That HUGE thing is the ignition amplifier - it should have connectors that go to the coil and to the distributor.

You will probably also find that there are far more fuses / relays on the Sierra fusebox than you need.

But you obviously need the Sierra manual to find out what the various bits do. I never for a moment considered using the Sierra loom as old insulation hardens with age and heat and cracks.

[Edited on 16/1/08 by Macbeast]

Stuart_B - 16/1/08 at 05:02 PM

Sorry about the huge picture, so has any one used the Sierra wirring loom, or is there any websites that can help me??



coozer - 16/1/08 at 05:47 PM

I used the loom from the car.

I hung it on the garage wall, spread out like it was in the car then quizzed all the switches and connections etc. Using the Ford, (Haynes) wiring diagrams I removed everything I didn't need.

Things like demisters, headlight washers, heater wiring, electric doors and all the stuff I didn't need. Washer and windscreen wiper stuff all got junked. Trace them back and cut them out. keep all the connectors, they may come in handy later on.

When I was finished I was able to lay it on the car and trim it to fit. There wasn't much left in the fuse box so I rearranged what was left and cut it in half!

With it all mounted and starting to wire lights and things up I was pleasantly surprised to find things working first time.

Two bonuses are you learn all about the wiring in your car and, if theres ever a problem I can look in the Haynes to see what wires go where AKA the standard Sierra setup.

Hope that helps,

[Edited on 16/1/08 by coozer]

Stuart_B - 16/1/08 at 06:38 PM

Is there a better wirring digram than the haynes one??