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Aluminium plate supplier in Sheffield Area
r1_pete - 12/11/16 at 01:10 PM

Anyone know a supplier of aluminium plate in the Sheffield / Rotherham / Worksop / Chesterfield area?

Looking for a 500mm square sheet of 12mm or half inch.

To think Sheffield used to be the special steels capital, and I can't find a supplier....

Mash - 12/11/16 at 02:45 PM

I got a sheet of 4mm from a seller on the bay Pete, but they don't do 500x500 in 12mm

Might be worth a search on there though, and a phone call to one to see if they can help..........

AvonJas - 12/11/16 at 09:40 PM

Try Nefco multi metals, Sutton in Ashfield, 01623 551313. They might have/get what you want.

arrow-engineering - 12/11/16 at 10:10 PM

martin at mk engineering must be able to point you in the right direction.

he must get his ali from somewhere!

femster87 - 12/11/16 at 10:45 PM

in worksop

Grimsdale - 14/11/16 at 11:10 AM

i used to go to barracloughs for odds and sods