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triumph clocks?
scutter - 26/8/02 at 07:19 PM

Does anyone know if Dolomite clocks ie. speedo rev counter & temp work with the ford donor parts? and how to get things like the speedo recalibrated if not.

Cheers Dan.

locodude - 1/9/02 at 04:07 PM

Me too, I have a full set in the attic!
Chris PTM

Big Stu - 4/9/02 at 11:41 AM

I used all of the dials from a Dolomite. The speedo I striped and rebuilt, but it did not require to be calibrated (Tested by following someone doing 30,50,70) The only problem I encountered was the temp gauge which can be tempremental and tends to read a little low. All the rest work fine..

scutter - 4/9/02 at 04:26 PM

Cheers Stu.

Surely( awaiting joke) there must be some electronics boffin that knows how to corret the temp reading?

Will have to send my speedo to someone like Richfield speedograph as using 3.09 capri rear axle.

Big Stu - 6/9/02 at 05:03 PM

Just a quick thought. I was speaking to someone last night and they told me that the problem that I have with my gauges could be due to the voltage regulartor....... (problem that I have are the fuel gauge not accurate and temp is tempremental.

bob - 6/9/02 at 06:04 PM

This is a common problem,its a case of matching the gauge and sender.
I took the easy route and bought durite universal gauge and sender for fuel(£35).
Hopefully i've got lucky with temp gauge as racetech electric ones seem to work ok on original pinto sender.(Alledgedly)

scutter - 6/9/02 at 09:36 PM

Might try and get round the problem, by finding a way of attaching truimph sender to tank.

This would be preferable(anyone any ideas) as also has low level warning light sensor.

bob - 6/9/02 at 10:25 PM

Good idea dan
And it does keep the locost theme,of which i'm a bugger for abandoning for an easy life.
Ho hum

david walker - 8/9/02 at 09:15 PM

I used a full set of Dolomite (Smiths) clocks on my Locost.

Initially had problems with fuel and temp readings. I have used a Spitfire tank in my car and the original Triumph sender unit. The dodgy readings were eventually traced to using the wrong voltage regulator. I bought the correct one from Rimmers (Tri Specialists) and all is now OK.

I wish I hadn't bothered with Rev Counter and Speedo though. The Speedo cable tore off when I offloaded from the trailor on return from SVA and I have not bothered to refix. - Getting the cable into the drive on the gearbox, then through a 90 degree turn in the tunnel and then up to the dash isn't easy. It's for this reason that I have recently posted questions about bike speedos.

As for the rev counter, having fitted distributorless igntion that's also reading wrong now!

What you really need is a Stack system or a copy such as Jon Ison's that does everything electronically. That said I wish I had stuck with the bike engine also instead of the 1700 x'flow!

scutter - 8/9/02 at 09:23 PM

Wish i had the money for a Stack system(maybe later)

Cheers for the info though will have to get in touch with Rimmer Bros.
