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Everything works without key in ignition...
furryeggs - 6/2/17 at 08:54 PM

I've finally sorted out connecting up all of my wiring. At first everything was ok, some how i've managed to get all the lights,indicators and dash lights working as intended first time. The Ignition key is wired as tiger intended (i checked with tiger) all positions are ok and the engine cranks and stops when released. I accidently popped a fuse and since its been replaced everything works without the key being in the ignition, the lights, side dip and main beam, indicators, hazards, brake lights, everything, even dash lights.

It's almost like the i have a permanent connection to 12v... I haven't had muchtime since to investigate further but my first thought is my ingnition barrel is buggered.

Any ideas where i can start to look?

Ben_Copeland - 7/2/17 at 10:16 AM

Either wiring is wrong, ignition barrel is fried or the relay is stuck. Can't really think of anything else

r1_pete - 7/2/17 at 11:04 AM

Did everything work properly via the switch before you blew the fuse?

furryeggs - 7/2/17 at 03:32 PM

I'm pretty sure it all worked ok, Just been down to check, no key in = lights side dip and main + dash lights when on, horn and hazards + correct dash lights and dials illuminate with the lights on,. everything else stays off until ignition is switched on, then indicators, fuel pump etc all work.

I'll test the barrel later to check

r1_pete - 7/2/17 at 04:46 PM

That sounds correct to me, my cars are pretty much the same.

furryeggs - 7/2/17 at 05:56 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
That sounds correct to me, my cars are pretty much the same.

If thats the case then all is well I'll still have a double check mind.

r1_pete - 7/2/17 at 06:51 PM

Ive just been out in the L200 and thiught about your post when I came in:

Ign on, engine, indicators, radio, plus as below...

Ign off, all lights, horm, hazzards, brake lights....

If leave the lights on and open the door I get a buzzer.

The only ones I didnt check were the reverse lights....

Adamirish - 7/2/17 at 07:31 PM

Mine does the same too. I think it's a requirement to have at least the side lights working without the key.(parking lights)

I get sidelights, headlights, hazards(obviously) and horn without the key.

ReMan - 7/2/17 at 07:34 PM

Yes mine is wired like that
Sidelights and instrument lights and hazards and horn work, with ignition off

furryeggs - 7/2/17 at 08:52 PM

Good oh. Thought i'd check.

Ben_Copeland - 8/2/17 at 06:34 AM

Ok so it's all working as it should. So everything doesn't work with key not in then, as per original post? Just the lights, although indicators don't usually work unless ignition is on.