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insurance rant
markyb - 3/3/10 at 12:43 PM

my insurance is up for renewal and was hoping for a big drop in my quote after my first year of insuring a 7 - especially after reading other peoples quotes for similar cars - alas I was wrong.

I am still getting quoted just under £400 - in this quote I am covered for windscreen (I only know of one Vortx with a glass thingmajig on the front) plus cover for 90 days european cover which I also do not need - so why do other people seem to get better quotes ?

It cant be because of age (even though 39 is still very young)
it cant be because of mileage - 3000 isnt excessive
it cant be because of value - its not an ultima I am driving
it cant be becuase of my driving record - no points ever and one non fault accident in the last 10 years

anyone any ideas ?

PS forgot to mention I live in Northern Ireland.

Before anyone suggests 2gether - already tried them and they are one of many insurance companies who wont quote for my postcode

rant over

twybrow - 3/3/10 at 12:46 PM

I would say your location is the key here... Why is it 2gether won't quote for NI?

Ben_Copeland - 3/3/10 at 12:46 PM

Err northern Ireland ..... That's it !

iscmatt - 3/3/10 at 12:47 PM

bad postcodes can increase premiums by an unlimited percent, the fact that some won't even quote leaves to me to wonder the only way to reduce it is to move!

smart51 - 3/3/10 at 12:51 PM

My vortx insurance was always under £200 and my circumstances are similar to yours. My car was garaged and it was on a specialist policy, where I had to give the registration of my main car as "proof" that I had another. My post code is in a nice area of Birmingham, which is a fairly safe city by UK standards. You don't live in a risky area of NI do you?

BenB - 3/3/10 at 12:53 PM

I can only imagine it's a post-code issue unless you've tried horrendously expensive insurers!!!

bi22le - 3/3/10 at 12:53 PM

same as above. Seems like location. I have heard of people stating the car is kept bt another address and quote a different address. You need to know the person that lives there. Maybe parents's, brothers, or friends house is in a nicer crime free area. If you go to i think you can get a crime report. This may help you decide where to 'keep' yous car. There is nothing illegal or wrong with doing this. Think of rented garages.

eddie99 - 3/3/10 at 12:54 PM

I'd be happy with £400 insurance quote
Tried Footman James, Adrian Flux?

markyb - 3/3/10 at 12:56 PM

all of Northern ireland is covered by a BT postcode - once insurance companies hear these 2 letters you can hear a sharp intake of breath at the other end of the phone.

Obviously there are nicer BT areas than others but I live in a quiet village so I would say it is a nice area

[Edited on 3/3/10 by markyb]

markyb - 3/3/10 at 12:59 PM

Originally posted by eddie99
I'd be happy with £400 insurance quote
Tried Footman James, Adrian Flux?

havent tried James yet but Flux couldnt beat my sureterm quote (not much in it though)

matt_claydon - 3/3/10 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by bi22le
Maybe parents's, brothers, or friends house is in a nicer crime free area. If you go to i think you can get a crime report. This may help you decide where to 'keep' yous car. There is nothing illegal or wrong with doing this.

Fraud not a crime any more?

se7en - 3/3/10 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by BenB
I can only imagine it's a post-code issue unless you've tried horrendously expensive insurers!!!

My brother-in-law lives in BT17, a notorious high insurance postcode; his neighbour across the road lives in BT28, a not so high a premium post code. They both have sons about the same age and both driving cars of same insurance group but my nephew in BT17 pays almost twice as much as the boy in BT28.

I know that when I moved from BT17 to BT29 15 years ago, my insurance premium dropped quite substantially.

There are a number of BIG insurance companies that will not quote you for cover in NI but if you buy insurance or get free insurance with a new car that cover is from one of the BIG insurance companies.
My daughter bought a new Corsa. She was offered 2 years insurance for £540 for her and one other driver as part of the deal. She took the deal and the cover was provided by Norwich Union. When the two years were up she phoned NU and they said that they cannot quote for NI even though she told them she had insurance with them for the previous two years. She then went hunting for insurance and through a local broker she got cover by who? no other than Norwich Union.

Hellfire - 3/3/10 at 07:07 PM

Why were you hoping for a big drop in premium after the first year? Most kitcar insurance policies don't accumulate a 'no claims bonus'.

Just play insurance companies off against each other until you get the lowest possible quote. Or maybe you've already done that......
