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Aeon on Ebay
John G - 20/6/17 at 12:33 PM

This looks like a good buy at £8000 NTDWM!
Aeon GT2, GT3 kit car unfinished project.

stevebubs - 20/6/17 at 01:35 PM

It's Exceed getting rid of his inventory

bazz81 - 9/7/17 at 11:31 AM

Same car???

John G - 9/7/17 at 05:10 PM

That is the same car. No one bid on it in the auction. I don't think that there was a reserve.

bazz81 - 9/7/17 at 06:04 PM

£8000 sounds reasonable but this new price isnt!
What engine options do you have bij aeon? Right now i have mk Indy zx12 but still 'dreaming' to build or finish a new car with Honda, Subaru or Mazda Rotary engine!