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MX5 Donor Electrics
Jonb_5 - 19/10/18 at 09:15 PM


I wondered if there is anyone who might know their way round an MX5, specifically the wiring I am using on my build and a couple of missing wires I think I have.

I've got pictures etc I can post up so thought I'd ask.



ste - 19/10/18 at 09:23 PM

What car was it from? I have the wiring diagrams somewhere depending on model

Jonb_5 - 19/10/18 at 09:31 PM


It was a 2003 MK 2.5 I believe.


andrew.carwithen - 20/10/18 at 07:34 AM

We recommend using the donor MX-5 loom on our ANC Replicar kits - so may be able to help. All the wiring diags are available in the Haynes manual - so if you post pics of the area/system you think is missing the necessary wiring, then I should be able to identify it.

Jonb_5 - 20/10/18 at 08:57 AM


That's great thank you. I have a few questions so will just post them up separately.

on the main battery feed from the battery about a foot away there is a connector, what is this for??



Jonb_5 - 20/10/18 at 10:01 AM

The second question is the earth cable, it connects to the body and then extends further along and I assume connects to the body els3where but am just worried it should connect to something rather than just the body.

andrew.carwithen - 20/10/18 at 10:17 AM

Ref 1st question: I'm away from unit til Monday and so will check our demonstrator and Haynes manual then should you not get a reply in meantime.
Ref 2nd question:The negative cable would have gone from the battery to the Mx-5's powerplant frame (the alloy spine that connects the diff to the gearbox) using the broken - off connector in your pic - and also tee'd off to the Mx-5's body with the other connector in your pic.

Jonb_5 - 21/10/18 at 01:55 PM

Hi, that's great thank you.

Last question I hope but I think it's the dumbest one. In the pictures you can see the main fuse box and a 3 pin connector which goes into the underside. I have snipped the red wire which i am pretty sure is a feed and probably why the injectors are not firing. Can anyone tell me what it's for and also where to re-instate it from?