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Trump ----- dead but just won't get in the coffin.
britishtrident - 15/10/16 at 06:41 PM

The world is going mad Donald Trump is the final proof but substantial numbers are still going to vote for him.

Reminds me of the Michael Jackson downfall even on here one or two people wouldn't believe what he had been up to --- money & power being abused.

prawnabie - 15/10/16 at 08:29 PM

I want him to get into office, for the same reason I wanted us to vote leave, there has to be a massive shakeup of politics every once in a while...

Texan - 16/10/16 at 03:16 AM

You guys are getting just the main stream media info which has been so slanted towards the Dems for several years now (and I can't figure out why) that I don't doubt that you haven't a clue what's going on. Many of our own people don't.

We at least get to see the evidence of our eyes and other sources that give quite a different viewpoint.

The bottom line is that Trump is by far the better candidate.

1) He'll cause no harm.

2) He hasn't already caused harm

3) He hasn't been bought

4) He hasn't already milked the system for millions


But the biggest reason is that

6) He won't be able to cause harm & irreparable damage.

Regardless of what Congress members are elected Trump won't have the backing to just go off willy nilly.

Obama, due to the Super Majority, was able to get legislation passed that will take decades for us to recover from. Killary will do even worse.

Of course the really sad part is that we began this process with the best group of good candidates we've had in my lifetime and somehow not a one made it through the madness that is campaigning. We were finally going be able to vote FOR someone instead of AGAINST someone.

David Jenkins - 16/10/16 at 07:14 AM

Sounds like the US has the same need as the UK - a "none of the above" option on the polling form. In other words, "I reject every candidate, go and start the selection process again".

jrod - 16/10/16 at 09:16 AM

At least if he gets in the spiral of the pound may slow with a shock to their market.