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Luego at Stoneliegh 2020 UPDATE
jollygreengiant - 24/4/20 at 03:15 PM

National Kit Car Motor Show, Stoneleigh Postponement COVID-19 UPDATE

Dear Exhibitor,


Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in getting in touch with you regarding this year’s Stoneleigh Kit Car Show. We have faced challenges in trying to arrange a new date for the show, but I can now confirm that, due to the Coronavirus situation, the show will be postponed to Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th August 2020. Your booking and stand is secured for the new dates in August. Any payments you have made towards the Stoneleigh show will be transferred to these new show dates.


If you are club, we will reserve the same pitch for you for the August dates. Unfortunately we do not have email addresses for every club so inevitably some clubs will receive this information from our website or Facebook page.


We will continue to follow updates regarding the Coronavirus and will announce any changes to other future shows in due course.


Thank you for your understanding.


Kind regards,


Roger Cooling


Grosvenor Shows Ltd