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Locst Builders in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Jayce Lane - 16/10/03 at 10:13 AM

I am just getting started (still need to make room in my garage). Looking to meet other LB's in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. If you know any people in the area please let me know.

Alan B - 16/10/03 at 10:38 PM

Sorry mate...can't help at all...

Other than welcome...

You have come to right place...

Mark H - 17/10/03 at 01:07 PM

Welcome Jayce!

I may be wrong (normally am) but you may be the first Locostbuilder from that continent!

We have loads of Brits, a few from Oz/NZ, and of course there are a few yanks.

Soon have enough different people for a United Nations (Of course the Americans may want to run it!!)

Jayce Lane - 20/10/03 at 08:36 AM

Thanks for the welcome guys. Mark I have found out that there are about 9 current LB's in South Africa. So I might not be the first, but at least I still make the top 10.

Cheers Jayce

Peteff - 20/10/03 at 07:19 PM

Wasn't the Birkin a South African project? Not exactly locost but a nice car using the same principles. Any Cortinas left over there Jayce?, could be a good sideline if there are.

yours, Pete.