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Debt collection agency letter
locoboy - 14/4/16 at 09:29 AM

I've had a letter from Fredrickson international stating that I owe £25.22 and they are collection on behalf of Virgin Mobile.

First up
I've never knowingly had a virgin mobile account (I've had Virgin Media but at an old house from 2 years ago)

I've moved house twice since then, rented for 15 months then bought again 4 months ago.

The letter arrived to my CURRENT address and I am not even registered on the electoral roll at this address yet so how the hell have they managed to get my address.

I've replied to them by email asking them to provide

What services the outstanding amount is to cover
When the original outstanding bill was issued
The address the bill was sent to.

The reply I received said that because I had not contacted them by email before I need to confirm my full name and address, Date of birth and the reference from the letter they sent (already quoted in the email i sent them)

All smells a bit dodgy to me.
I've googled them and there are mixed reports out there, some poeple genuinely owing money on a debt that they are collecting on behalf of someone and others saying that they do not know anything about the supposed debt.

Any thoughts or experiences?

I'm really concerned as to how they managed to get my new address though....

Cheers Col

[Edited on 14/4/16 by locoboy]

furryeggs - 14/4/16 at 10:00 AM

We've had the same issues with agencies wanting money, made worse by sharing the same last name as the previous owner (no relation, and a very dodgy accountant). We spoke with a solicitor regarding them asking us to prove its not our dept, they advised us that it's down to the dept company to provide details and proof of the dept.

We've had balifs outside the house taking pictures of cars, over the fence, through windows. Legally they have to provide infomation of the dept on request.
From experience if one dept company doesn't get their money they sell on the details to another company, and it all starts agian. we've had several companies after an increasing amount each time for the same dept.

owelly - 14/4/16 at 10:35 AM

I few years ago I had debt collectors knocking on my door on behalf of "CPW". I'd never heard of CPW. It took a while to getbto the bottom of it but basically, I'd bought a phone from Car Phone Warehouse (CPW) about six years previously. The staff at CPW earn a bonus if they sell home-phone packages. They'd used my details they had on file to sign me up to Talk-talk. The bank account they'd used was defunct as it was a joint account my ex and I had and we'd moved house. So all the paperwork went to the old address. The debt collection company found my new address and came knocking. It was the first I knew of it!!

locoboy - 14/4/16 at 10:50 AM

Did you owe money when they had set up an account without your authorisation!?

David Jenkins - 14/4/16 at 11:08 AM

There's a scam email going round just now - it says that you some firm a bundle of money, looks very official and it quotes your full name and address. It gives a link to get more info, which then dumps ransomeware on your PC.

They've obviously hacked into some supplier's database to get all this info - I'm wondering if they're now sending letters as another scam.

peter030371 - 14/4/16 at 11:13 AM

I would phone them and take lots of notes of the conversation including the name of the person you speak too. Email is so in-personal and on something this important why do it any other way?

r1_pete - 14/4/16 at 11:39 AM

Personally I would ask what DOB etc. they have oin file for you, and see if they match your details.

A few years ago I mistakenly stopped a direct debit too soon, and despite the company returning me a months DD only £13 odd, I ended up owing them a £13 odd payment, which they sent to an agency. At first I was furious and thought about not paying, but, in a more relaxed moment I thought, £13 wouldn't even cover the costs involved in passing the debt to the agency, so paid up happy knowing Orange (the service provider) would be out of pocket...

If it is a legit debt, pay up before the charges start getting slapped on.

[Edited on 14/4/16 by r1_pete]

locoboy - 14/4/16 at 02:30 PM

Just spoken to Virgin and it transpires it was something that was set up without my knowledge!

And I have received no bills for!

They have credited the account so it is now clear.

Lets hope I can somehow pass this information on to the debt collecting agency.
Still confused how they got my address and why it's not on my credit report...

rusty nuts - 14/4/16 at 06:10 PM

Might be a good idea to get proof from Virgin that there is no longer any debt?