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Hovercrafts ?
Jon Ison - 16/5/15 at 08:23 PM

Impending move in around 5 weeks that gives easy access to miles of beach plus a 3 acre field got me to thinking about a long time urge that I've never persued, a hovercraft.

Well once the house is how we want it I've been given permission to persue it, I think the ride down the beach to what will be our local swung it so, anyone on here give me any pointers? Just looking for somthing usable carry 2 maybe 3 people not after a race craft though you never know what urges may follow

[Edited on 16/5/15 by Jon Ison]

austin man - 16/5/15 at 08:38 PM

remember when I was at school in the 70s these were being made in on of the technical departments using bike engines and a massive fan the went well across the school fields

Jon Ison - 16/5/15 at 10:28 PM

Point taken re "hovercraft" I was asking for advice after all, however you may want to edit your response a second time though, it's still full of errors

Had a quick look at your build blog, looks interesting though I think it will be a cheque book craft rather than self build for me, somthing four stroke and cruising.

trextr7monkey - 17/5/15 at 09:23 AM

Bloke I work with started his working life the day he finished his A levels at a hover craft builders that would be late 70s he could be a useful guide but is not on here.
If you aren't building it why not have a look at an Argocat as it might be a bit more useful about the neighbourhood you can pick up old ones for smallish money and it is amphibious

splitrivet - 19/5/15 at 06:21 PM

Someone bought me one of those experience day things with hovercraft, I couldnt control the sodding thing at all.
Mt daughter who at the time was a non driver had the thing zipping along, going round corners at full chat and generally making me look a right prat.