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dual roll hoops brace angle
Dale - 16/8/15 at 05:45 AM

I have my two hoops tacked in place and trying to figure out the back stays for them.
They are taller than I wanted but I am 6'4'' so not much of a choice. I have the back end of an mgb on my build with a working boot. To allow it to open I can get a maximum of aprox 20deg from vertical on a back stay that goes to the top of the hoops and just clears the opening for the boot.
In north america the competition rules are 30 deg minimum. This is a road only car but i want it to be safe just in case.
Any ideas if 20 deg is going to do me any good in triangulation ?

[Edited on 16/8/15 by Dale]

Angel Acevedo - 16/8/15 at 10:32 PM

Almost "Any triangulation would be better than "no" triangulation.
Thereá a post that deals about the fact that these cars are extremely difficult to roll over, so unless your driving is very reckless or you are plain unlucky, chances are you may never need the hoops during "normal" Road Use.