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Could we have some nice driving weather please?
David Jenkins - 1/1/11 at 04:20 PM

I don't SORN my car, 'cos I love driving in the winter... the old x-flow seems to thrive on the cold air, and there aren't too many dozy tourists blocking the country roads.

The trouble is... I haven't taken it out of the garage for at least 2 months, simply because it's been too wet, too snowy and/or too icy. At the moment if I took it out it would just get plastered with salty road spray, which ain't good on aluminium bodywork. The car is also a bit 'exciting to drive' when grip is marginal...

So, the prayer for today is...

"Could we please have a few nice breezy and rain-free days that dry the roads and allow me to get out in the toy car?"
"Pretty please?"

marcjagman - 1/1/11 at 04:34 PM

Consider it done, in about 3 months time

mangogrooveworkshop - 1/1/11 at 04:40 PM

.It's not "dirt", it's mostly salt this time of year. For those who didn't do chemistry, salt + aluminium (panels) + ferrous metals (chassis etc) = misery.

[Edited on 1-1-11 by mangogrooveworkshop]

coozer - 1/1/11 at 04:42 PM

Thats right, mine is sorned and undercover until all the salt has gone away...

RazMan - 1/1/11 at 05:41 PM

I used my car all winter a couple of years back and the corrosion that happened in that time was horrifying. That's why I now SORN the car for the winter. Having said that, I need a few dry days so that I can start mapping my new homebrew throttle bodies and I'm probably going to go and get a tax disc next week - so +1 for your prayers David

[Edited on 1-1-11 by RazMan]

phil_far - 1/1/11 at 08:51 PM

Come to Malta....this week partly cloudy but most fo the time with clear blue sky .....rained just two afternoons...12deg...freezing for us...but perfect for an early morning blast during these festive seasons...

Sorry about that but I couldn't help it...will pray

All the best fro 2011 and do let me know if you come over

David Jenkins - 4/1/11 at 10:43 PM

I hate people like you!

We rang our daughter in Sydney on Christmas Day - about 30 degrees C, and she was about to head to Manly Beach... while we looked out of the window at the snow...

David Jenkins - 16/1/11 at 11:44 AM

Finally got a decent run out!

It's been dry and windy for a couple of days, so I thought I'd check the car out then take it for a drive around the local roads, just to make sure that all was well. Told my wife I'd only be gone for 10 or 15 minutes...

One and a half hours later I returned from a blast along my favourite route... about 30 miles or so...

My fingers have just about thawed, and I really wish I'd put earplugs in (or ear defenders).