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Im all excited!
bi22le - 5/2/13 at 09:53 AM

i have booked my car into procomp for a full setup. the first gap they had was beginning of April. Thats to be expected due to the race season starting soon.

i am then going to try and do more track days this year than previous years, should not be hard as max per year has been 2. i have done more road driving the past years.

Im considering doing brands GP as a one off. it costs a fortune but being my local track and iconic i really want to do it before going to other circuits.

main problem i have is no trailer so i have to drive from SE London to procomp in Birmingham. that will be earplugs, bash hat and everything crossed for good weather then!

roll on the summer driving, track day hooning and a rollercoaster of emotions shared with the car.

oh and Mrs bizzle and i are expecting our first child in May. exciting year!!

AndyW - 5/2/13 at 10:05 AM

Congrats on the news of the new arrival. You think kit cars are a emotional rollercoaster, wait til the little one arrives!! Nothing like it (all good tho'. Im hopeing to get my car registered this year so looking forward to the emotions that comes with that, both good and bad!!


andy188 - 5/2/13 at 12:26 PM

congrats on your news, have spoke to procomp a couple of years ago about setting mine up, not done it yet, (on my wish list). i mucked up my build with rear shock mounting so cant remove rear shocks, hope all goes well, have heard only good stuff from procomp, best money we will ever spend on car. hope you have a fine day.

nick205 - 5/2/13 at 01:46 PM

Exciting news! Get those track days in thick and fast before the arrival. Kids seem to suck up time like nothing else

bi22le - 5/2/13 at 02:09 PM

track days, kids and i want to start studying again in October for a degree part time. hmm.

maybe a little optimistic.

kids will have to go!!

johnny chimpo - 5/2/13 at 07:14 PM

Exciting news! Good luck trying to fit all that in this year.

My daughter was born last May and as a consequence I never really got out in the car at all last year. I think 1 tank of fuel at most in the whole year. Wouldn't change it for the world tho.

Good luck with it all anyway.


R1_striker - 13/2/13 at 12:04 PM

Well done on all these babies everyone but back to the more important things, (joke) how much do procomp charge to do a set up? Also do you know how they work about thier setting? do they do dynamic testings