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Pub meet - Harwell, Oxfordshire Wed 3rd
Fizzer - 2/6/09 at 12:26 PM

I have organised a meet at the White Hart in Harwell, south Oxfordshire. Nice carpark, friendly landlord and the weather looks dry (just)

Should be a few of the Sylva lot there but all are welcome. I'm going to be there from 7.00 (Blue Fury).


scutter - 2/6/09 at 03:33 PM

I'll be there in a red and silver Locost,

I'll try to bring Cheffy.

ATB Dan.

Cheffy - 2/6/09 at 04:50 PM

Did someone mention my name?

You picking me up then Daniel?


JUD - 2/6/09 at 08:16 PM

My car is likely to be in use as an MK demonstrator for a couple of potential sales in OXON.

If that falls through I will try and make it.



hissingsid - 2/6/09 at 08:56 PM

I can't make it I'm affraid I'm at college! Again!lol
Maybe next time


scutter - 2/6/09 at 09:37 PM

I'll be there fella, catch you tomorrow.

ATB Dan.

dan__wright - 3/6/09 at 07:07 AM

i will be there