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medic_dan - 26/7/10 at 11:52 AM

Hello all,

Is there anyone in the Medway area (Kent) that fancies being my mentor??? I acquired a "95% complete" project a year ago now and, well I don't know where the previous owner took maths but my idea of 95% is significantly different to theirs!

I am (attempting) to build a "Locust" which is a ladder chassis with wooden tub skinned in aluminium.

I have a rolling chassis and complete body tub (which may or may not be replaced). I have lots of parts and don't think I have to buy much more for the project.

What I am after is someone willing to come and have a look for me and give me an idea of what needs doing in what order and also what else I need to purchase to complete the project.

I am under a lot of pressure from she who must be obeyed to get something done with it or sell it altogether. I would love to see her on the road (again! it is a rebuild of a previously registered car, so legally I think it only needs an MOT to get her on the road once built).

I understsand everyone's time is precious - so any help at all would be gratefully received.


James - 26/7/10 at 11:57 AM

You know we spell ours differently right?
Oh, and build ours out of metal not wood!

Have you tried the Locust forum?


ReMan - 26/7/10 at 11:57 AM

Hi and welcome.
At the risk of hearing things you may not wish too, it may be worth putting some pictures up here for a starter.
We don't bite really

eznfrank - 26/7/10 at 11:58 AM

It might be worth sticking up a few photos so people can figure out where you're at.

P.s. welcome to the forum!

EDIT: too slow! Wot he said ^^^

[Edited on 26/7/10 by eznfrank]

ashg - 26/7/10 at 01:06 PM

I'm in medway. There are quite a few of us actually. Get yourself on

I'm a bit busy for the next 3-4 weeks but I'm sure one of the other lads on skcc won't mind popping round.

RAYLEE29 - 26/7/10 at 01:32 PM

Dont think it matters what your building. im sure most on here would welcome you
and I for one do.

medic_dan - 26/7/10 at 01:39 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome guys.

How do I attach pictures to my replies? it asks for a url? Does that mean I have to have them on photobucket or something first?


02GF74 - 26/7/10 at 02:15 PM

worth reading this.
how to post pickchairs

medic_dan - 26/7/10 at 02:29 PM

Thanks for that.

I have added a couple to my photo archive for starters.

wilkingj - 27/7/10 at 03:12 PM

Hi there, welcome to the madhouse!..

You will find plenty of knowelege on here, and some humour to boot!.

Please can you put your rough location in your profile, as it helps people when they offer help or bits etc

Have fun, the project will have its highs and lows. We know, as we have all been there!
Little and often will get the car built. So try to do a little bit every day if possible. Even its its rub down a bracket, and undercoat it. then Paint tomorrow etc. Thats the way to get the car built.

Oh,.. and post plenty of pics of your progress, then we can see, and even spot things before they go too far!

40inches - 27/7/10 at 03:52 PM

I think they got the 95% and 5% the wrong way round



What else did you get? bonnet,scuttle,nosecone?

medic_dan - 27/7/10 at 09:43 PM

you're telling me!!! I'm glad I didn't go to their school!!!

I have clamshell's as you can just see in the photo, rear wings, bonnet (ish!), nose cone.

The scuttle is meant to be formed from ply and a formed ally sheet caps it off, although the ply pieces are missing so might see if a GRP scuttle fits..........

The clamshells and rear wings need patching and filling where holes for previous lights have been cut.