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Frame stiffness and chassis' modifications
dodgedartgt - 16/7/08 at 03:15 PM

I'm a newby to as well as to the idea of building a Locost.

In my research in the past few weeks, I ran across an engineering study and information which listed specific modifications that would increase the torsional stiffness of a "book" frame from approx 1000 ft/lbs per degree to approx 2500 ft/lbs per degree. I have no idea where I found this info other than on one of the many locost forums.

What I do remember specifically is a sheet metal trans and center tunnel and that the changes were to both increase strength and reduce weight.

The author of the info stated he was an engineer, the designs had been modeled on the computer and he listed his credentials and background in assurance of not being just some fruitcake posting.

Has anyone else seen this info?

Thnx in advance,
Mike Bynum
SW Florida

[Edited on 16/7/08 by dodgedartgt]

Mr Whippy - 16/7/08 at 03:17 PM

yip, personally I hated his mods but other will say I'm just a twit

you'll have a link in a mo no doubt

one link of some use ?

[Edited on 16/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

mr henderson - 16/7/08 at 03:20 PM

It's difficult to see how stiffening the transmission tunnel would increase the overall stiffness by that much, even if the trans tunnel was rigid (not possible in reality) there's still the steelwork between that and the suspension pickup points


D Beddows - 16/7/08 at 03:48 PM

Do you know what - I must have been living under a rock for the past 10 years! I've managed to let the LocostUSA forum in Mr Whippys link completely pass me by till now!! There's some good stuff on there too! - bit like the mid engine section on here but without the constant 'I think you'll find I'm considerably cleverer than you are' squabbling

Mr Whippy - 16/7/08 at 04:02 PM

Originally posted by D Beddows
Do you know what - I must have been living under a rock for the past 10 years! I've managed to let the LocostUSA forum in Mr Whippys link completely pass me by till now!! There's some good stuff on there too! - bit like the mid engine section on here but without the constant 'I think you'll find I'm considerably cleverer than you are' squabbling

na I'm just a whiz with search engines, had to be good at something...

[Edited on 16/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

mr henderson - 16/7/08 at 05:01 PM

Myke 2463 (I wonder if he's any relation of Myke 2464?) has just sent me the wordpad document that I am sure is referred to in the original past. If anyone knows how to get that onto the forum so everybody can see it I can send it on to them (It has pictures in it, otherwise I would just copy and paste the text into a post)


James - 16/7/08 at 05:21 PM

Not sure it need be said but search for Cymtrics' chassis mods. He's a member on here and it's all FEA tested.


dodgedartgt - 16/7/08 at 08:07 PM

Thnx for all the responses so quickly, over course it was already dinnertime in UK when I first posted :-)

mr henderson, plz forward the Wordpad doc to me so I might try to open it, if you would.

Mr. Whippy, you were quick! Thnx!

James, thnx for the info & user name.

This is the link I came up with using the search function; It doesn't "look" familiar to me (I've been surfing SO much) but it does have the info I seem to remember.

Now, I see that this applies to the Ron Champion book frame. Since I don't have a copy of that book, how does that frame compare with the Gibb's/Haynes book frame? Are the same modification applicable to it?

Who has more info?


mr henderson - 16/7/08 at 08:39 PM

Originally posted by dodgedartgt

mr henderson, plz forward the Wordpad doc to me so I might try to open it, if you would.

Will try to do so when my Orange webmail stops playing up


PS Put your location in your profile, it's the done thing here

pbura - 16/7/08 at 09:09 PM

Pretty much all known info on chassis stiffening is available here:

MikeRJ - 16/7/08 at 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
yip, personally I hated his mods but other will say I'm just a twit

Any particular reason? For hating the chassis mods I mean, not you being called a twit

Most of them looked pretty sensible to me, adding triangulation where the book has none, dispensing with the non-triangulated, alloy panelled transmission tunnel and replacing with a formed sheet metal item.

The biggest hinderances to a stiff chassis are the big holes required for the engine and driver/passenger, so it's essential that the bracing be used within the engine compartment. A full roll cage helps greatly with the other hole.

britishtrident - 17/7/08 at 07:16 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
yip, personally I hated his mods but other will say I'm just a twit

Any particular reason? For hating the chassis mods I mean, not you being called a twit

Most of them looked pretty sensible to me, adding triangulation where the book has none, dispensing with the non-triangulated, alloy panelled transmission tunnel and replacing with a formed sheet metal item.

The biggest hinderances to a stiff chassis are the big holes required for the engine and driver/passenger, so it's essential that the bracing be used within the engine compartment. A full roll cage helps greatly with the other hole.

100% right also some diagonal bracing of the rear bulkhead and better support for the rear spring upper mountings.

dodgedartgt - 17/7/08 at 03:19 PM

mr henderson,

I'm in SW Florida. I thought I did put it into my visible profile... will correct that. Thanks for the Wordpad doc, when you can send it.


Thanks for the link. I'm in a hurry right now, will look at it later.

Mike Bynum

RK - 17/7/08 at 03:56 PM

Just another positive comment on the Locostusa site. It is full of smart guys who are inventing as they go, since there are few actual "kits" available to us here in North America. Everybody is a welder or some sort of engineer (trained or otherwise) from the looks of it.

I do like the finished look of most of the modern British cars though. The US ones don't seem as polished looking, I think because of all the home made engineering necessary.

MK now has a US distributor in Florida, and the Stalker comes from there I believe. Neither is standard "book". Why reinvent things when others have done a good job?

mr henderson - 17/7/08 at 04:28 PM

Originally posted by dodgedartgt
will correct that. Thanks for the Wordpad doc, when you can send it.

Still can't send attachments. Best thing would be for you to send a U2U to Myke 2463 find him in the member list, then click to send him a U2U then ask him to send you the file
