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MK Indy SVA\'d but why does DVLA take so long
Smartripper - 18/5/06 at 08:37 PM


Got my car back from MK monday 9 may, but know i wait for my plates en registration for 1,5 weeks.

How long does it normaly take from sva till plates......

Live in Holland so no chance of doing something myself.....


GEORGE80 - 18/5/06 at 08:44 PM

mine was about that, i got mk to do mine and they took ages to come and inspect it, then it takes a couple of days to recieve the reg though the post, its a bummer when your itching to get it out the first time

James - 18/5/06 at 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Smartripper

How long does it normaly take from sva till plates......


About an hour with any luck!

There's nothing to stop you (if you live in the UK! ) from having the car inspected before SVA (as I did today).

Then once you've got your MAC in your hot sticky hand you go to your local DVLA centre and pick up the registration.

My local DVLA happens to be virtually on the way home from the SVA centre so will pop in there, get registration, then get plates made on the way home.

Sounds too easy....? Well Mark Allanson did it that way and if they managed that in a place like Cornwall they can damn well do it here!!!! OR ELSE!!!!!


Smartripper - 19/5/06 at 08:35 PM


The car is back in Holland for 1,5 weeks now, but dvla was ready he said so it's just the paperwork ??????
