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Zx12r airbox
athoirs - 1/6/06 at 01:17 PM

While still sorting out my exhaust manifold.. I have built a airbox for the engine..
I have a itg filter to go on but it is so close to the underside of the bonnet I dont think its going to get much air!
I know that Phil et al have been looking at building one themselves, but i thought I would have a go. On the front I will fit a plate which I can change about the air supply. I am going to try a feed from the hood intake via a 3" feed first.. Not very scientific but I have a HP function on the Veypor so I might be able to see if there is any difference ( I have a powercommander as well) Rescued attachment P1010009.JPG
Rescued attachment P1010009.JPG

athoirs - 1/6/06 at 01:19 PM

another view Rescued attachment P1010010.JPG
Rescued attachment P1010010.JPG

athoirs - 1/6/06 at 01:21 PM

Oh and one of the new flightdeck for good measure! Rescued attachment P1010164.JPG
Rescued attachment P1010164.JPG

chris.russell - 1/6/06 at 04:13 PM

looking good, much better than my cardboard and duck tape attempt!

athoirs - 1/6/06 at 06:32 PM

but yours is bigger than mine!

I'll give it a try.. it didnt take more than a day to knock up

Smartripper - 1/6/06 at 06:44 PM


The one that chris has is more like the original design. because the size is better and i've you got a bonnet with scoop then it's going to fit nice.
