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kitcarkris - 19/6/06 at 07:03 AM

I was talking to a fellow luego owner on sunday at the show and we were bnoth after a surround for bright six. Just to let him know (cant remember names ever) i found a place that sells then for £3. it is though retangular in shape not oval, but i intend on buying one and see what its like, let me know if anyone else knows where to buy these or wants to sell one, the company i found sellin it was:

01506 883886


r3nuf - 19/6/06 at 12:09 PM


Twas myself that had the discussion with you. I didn't get a chance last night to log on, but tonight i will dig out a photo or two of the oval surrounds i have seen.

As a side note. it would seem that re-sellers and punters are having extreme difficulty in getting hold of the company that sells Bright 6's. Europa and SVC are both out of stock and unable to track them down?!



hector - 19/6/06 at 03:37 PM

try Burtons, i just ordered my bright 6 from them today, but they do not have any fitting kits thou, they themselves have been waiting since Jan for them from their suppliers.


r3nuf - 19/6/06 at 07:37 PM


I have just uploaded a pic to my archive showing the plastic oval surround that i have seen. I have also seen one sprayed silver, but don't have a pic of it.


kitcarkris - 20/6/06 at 06:42 AM

i like that picture of the bright six surround, its so anoyying we can't find where to get them!!!! ahhhh someone help

Michael - 26/6/06 at 08:20 PM

I found on the web, sell the bright 6 module, and as they had a email address i emailed them for the dimensions of the module.

I also saw they did an alumininum oval surround.

I did manage to download the instructions for the module from that site too.

r3nuf - 3/7/06 at 02:52 PM

Further update.

I have now spoken to Lightning Looms (manufactuers of Bright 6). Spoke to a helpful lady.

They are back up and running after death in the family.

The silver surround shown in the gallery section of there website and the black one in my picture archive are both home made. At present they do not sell anything like this. They have spoken to a manufacturer, with a view to offering these, but believe that the cost would be prohibitive.

So it looks like i shall never have a surround like that, because i am certainly not capable of making anything like it!

