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Calling ALL Luego Owners
kitcarkris - 2/10/06 at 04:38 PM

All you luego owners despiratly wondering whats happening with the club do not dispare, most of us are covering our cars up now for the winter so would not be an ideal time to meet, (we like beer and bbq's so a warmer date would be better) i want to book you all early for what will be our first of hopefully many meets next year. April 13th, 14th, and 15th, is going to be a Luego Club meet. Based at (hopefully a pub yet to be decided) near leicester or just a little further east. We will hopefully camp at the pub meaining in the evening no one will have to drive. The aim will be to meet other luego owners, eat bbq food, drink.... beer, also organised il be a few (hopefully) driving tours around the area. I hope at this time we will have the chance to organise a few more meets. I hope that we will see a lot of new faces and that more people will have their cars on the road, reading some of the progress reports we should have some stunning cars there. More details will come closer to the time. Book this date in your diary now!!! This will go ahead unless, there is a kit car show??? or something comes up that prevents people coming. Let me know what you thing guys,

Danozeman - 2/10/06 at 04:39 PM

Mate how do i join. I U2Ud u ages ago but no reply...

Paul (Notts) - 2/10/06 at 04:44 PM

Just need to organise a tent so that I can have one or two drinks!!

The Viento will not be ready but with a following wind ( and a credit card ) it may be finished next summer

[Edited on 2/10/06 by Paul (Notts)]

piddy - 2/10/06 at 05:13 PM

Sounds good kris.

I think that weekend will clash with Detling kit car show.

andybod - 2/10/06 at 05:17 PM

keep us posted please

r3nuf - 3/10/06 at 08:03 PM

Count me in if you can guarantee sunshine and a cuppa.

jollygreengiant - 3/10/06 at 09:14 PM

Hmmmmmmmmm. Sounds good to me.

Shall have to watch this space.

Dave J - 9/10/06 at 03:51 PM

Sounds a good plan, count me in (belatedly)
