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VOSA Yeading (Middlesex)
Bumble - 7/6/11 at 02:26 PM

Anyone any experience of VOSA Yeading?? My local VOSA (Leighton Buzzard) can't carry out IVA's due to technical issues with equipment and VOSA Edmonton is booked up until middle of July. Yeading can book me in within next 2 weeks hopefully but just wondered if anyones ever been there.

dunk3 - 7/6/11 at 02:56 PM

Matt, Why don't you take it to Nottingham.

couch22k - 7/6/11 at 03:41 PM

Nottingham gets my vote to.

Bumble - 7/6/11 at 03:49 PM

Hi Dunk.......Nottingham's a bloody long way from me......over 200 mile round trip!! If Yeading is a no go I might consider Nottingham as a last resort.

Be interested to hear how you get on with RR session at Bailey Motorsport.



quote]Originally posted by dunk3
Matt, Why don't you take it to Nottingham.

theconrodkid - 7/6/11 at 03:51 PM

hm Yeading...home of unhelpful jobsworths and people so lazy i wonder how they manage to get themselves out of bed in the morning...personally i would avoid it

jollygreengiant - 7/6/11 at 04:40 PM

Hmm, memmories of Nottingham, hmmmm.

A beautiful early morning drive on the back roads (not motorways) in a car with no Number Plates and no MOT. Arrive as they opened (the staff were VERY helpful), First car up for test with a very pleasant tester (a few faults corrected as we went) and while he (slowly) wrote out the failure, I was allowed to fix the failure issues. Job Done he then goes back (for another coffee or tea) while he wrote out the Pass Certificate.

I then had another VERY satisfying drive home, even though it was raining by this time. Panic stations whilst being followed through Nottinham by the boys in blue, however they didn't bat an eyelid at a car with no number plates. Trouble was that by the time I got home the certificate was soaked and needed drying out on a house radiator, carefully.

So, yes, ANOTHER vote for NOTTINGHAM.

Bladerunner - 7/6/11 at 06:12 PM

I to went to Nottingham after getting my car checked out at Stuart Taylors. I did fail and had to leave it at Stuart Taylors to fix the faults. I then went home with the trailer, two weeks l;ater passed with flying colours and drove from Nottingham to York. Never got stopped by the Plod, thank God it was dry, great drive home though!!!!