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DVLA changed the rules !!
prensel - 30/5/03 at 03:53 PM


After passing the SVA, and applying for an age related mark at the DVLA in Ipswich, it seems that the DVLA has changed the rules since 6 weeks whit SVA'ed kitcars !

- an MOT is no longer needed
- when using donorparts you will get an age related plate BUT on the V5 date of registration will be 2003 !!

Has anyone had the same experience the last weeks ?



theconrodkid - 30/5/03 at 04:35 PM

ask merlin who had his pass last friday and was told to get an mot??????

donut - 30/5/03 at 05:10 PM

Acording to Kit Car magazine SVA supliment it is not a legal requirement to get an MOT but some stations insist. It's always better get an MOT 1st. that way there is no confusion and it shows the SVA guy you are sensible. I look at it that the MOT is so the car is mechanically safe and the SVA is for safety to others in an acident.


theconrodkid - 30/5/03 at 06:25 PM

you also need the mot to get yr tax disc,the mac cert gets sent off and the average bozo at the post office thinks a mac is some kind of a burger

prensel - 30/5/03 at 07:20 PM

The problem is that they now issue a V5 with an age related mark but with a current reg. dat. This will mean trouble when going for an MOT because they will take all emissions test regarding the reg. date, which is 2003.
Does anyone had his SVA'ed car registered in the last 3 weeks and get an age related plate, i'm curious what your V5 says at the reg. date !

paulf - 30/5/03 at 09:13 PM

Surely the MOT certificate will take the number plate prefix as the date of REG.
It seems as if my hope of getting a tax exempt V5 for my 1968 G reg is gone.
quote]Originally posted by prensel
The problem is that they now issue a V5 with an age related mark but with a current reg. dat. This will mean trouble when going for an MOT because they will take all emissions test regarding the reg. date, which is 2003.
Does anyone had his SVA'ed car registered in the last 3 weeks and get an age related plate, i'm curious what your V5 says at the reg. date !

ned - 2/6/03 at 09:43 AM

q: do you have to trailer it to get an mot as you can't get insurance without a reg no surely? (or do people risk it?)

don't you need to give a chassis no on mot certificate? what if you make it up yourself, get the mot, then the dvla/sva people want to give you a different one, you then need to go get another mot?


DaveFJ - 2/6/03 at 09:52 AM

you can get insurance just supplying a chassis number (temporarily)-
I have had this problem before when importing a new car from germany.

however this may be a problem in itself if you have not yet passed sva and don't have a proper chassis number.........

bob - 2/6/03 at 10:02 AM

The guys at the MOT station i use told me to get chassis number then insurance and book it in for the MOT.
Normal rules apply ie no deviation from the route to and from MOT station,pretty much the same as SVA.

I think more people should do this 1st as its a good way of giving your car its initial shakedown,also if MOT tester is friendly enough brake bias could be set on the rollers pre SVA.

bob - 2/6/03 at 10:05 AM

I'm going to trailer mine to the nearest rolling road and set the speedo.

A bit over the top some might think but i just dont want to fanny around with all that at the main test.

donut - 2/6/03 at 10:13 AM

I love to 'fanny' around!! Great fun....Ask the wife!!

zetec - 2/6/03 at 07:37 PM

I got VIN number from DVLA, got insured using VIN number, VIN number entered on MOT. Drive to the MOT to check for any problems before SVA and you will get brakes and emissions checked. With regards the MOT emissions I think at worst you will be tested to the same level as the SVA. If you have a age related plate you will get tested as per a car of that age, a "Q" plate will get a basic or smoke only test (I think). It won't matter what the V5 says because this is not required to be presented at the MOT so the tester can only go on the reg plate. If only to cover yourself at the MOT get a letter from the engine maker stating date it was made unless you don't want him to know as you have swapped it post SVA!

Mark H - 3/6/03 at 08:08 AM

Just a quick word of warning - i insured with A Flux, and could only use the chassis number for 30 days. Therefore i had to have a registration number within 30 days to stay insured. It was tight (two sva tests then waiting for the DVLA to inspect the car, getting an MOT, then waiting a week for the paperwork), so don't get insured too early!!

Don't know how flexible others are...

Chazzy - 4/6/03 at 04:10 PM

I used Footman James and they insured me on Chassis no. to get MOT. The guy asked if it was all new and started to write the MOT out, I nearly had to beg to let me check and adjust the emissions. He didn't even rolling road the car to check front rear bias and side to side effectiveness. The SVA tolerance for left right inbalnce is LARGeER then the MOT tolerance (last aug anyway) the SVA guy wondered aloud how the MOT stations rollers must be way out of calibration to give me pass
I did get stopped by plod when just 200 m from home, they weren't aware that i could drive with no plates ever, thank goodness the SVA letter states it clearly.

Any Chassis nNo. will do if its long enough and unique, how about 3 initials,date of start of build then 00001 (if its your 1st car) youn never know you could be the next Noble or Lotus (Or not)