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remote start
oadamo - 22/10/07 at 07:17 PM

hi if i was to put a remote start with a keyfob on my locost would this be ok for the sva. the fob has 4 bottons on i was thinking one for starting one for lights and ill think of something else for the other two. iam just thinking of keeping the dashboard clean. plus there will be no key hole for someone to mess with.

blakep82 - 22/10/07 at 08:28 PM

makes sense, taking away the key switch.

i know CLifford alarm installers don't like to install these remote stat thingys in manual gearbox cars in case its left in gear and started remotely. automatics can only be started in neutral or park, so i guess SVA may not be happy with that

MkIndy7 - 22/10/07 at 08:30 PM

I wouldn't risk it, if you really want to put it in go ahead, just leave a final wire to connect after the SVA.

I would imagine the SVA if it allowed them at all would they (and you) would really want a safety device that prevented the car from being started in gear.

I seem to remember insurance companies not liking them to be fitted at all, and if they were it invalidated its rating if it was a CAT 1 alarm.

Davey D - 22/10/07 at 08:31 PM

it would be easy in a BEC as bikes have a neutral light. you could run a relay off the neutral light wire, so that it will only remote start when the vehicle is in neutral

k33ts - 22/10/07 at 10:07 PM

alegedly there illegal to have on a car.
be ok with remote ignition just have that and one push button start, also safer especially with open cockpit, someone could easily mess with the gears.

[Edited on 22/10/07 by k33ts]

britishtrident - 23/10/07 at 07:44 AM

Remote start is illegal --- highly dangerous

Likewise remote ignition switch is dangerous

Remember a Seven type car should be SIMPLE back to basics.

02GF74 - 23/10/07 at 09:38 AM

I am mistrustful of car electronics that mess with the engine running.

There were stories a few years ago about BMWs cutting out due to radi interference, not what you want when driving on the motorway.

My volvo immobiliser does not like being next to phone masts.