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Numpty ant-rattle clip question
flidz101 - 11/6/06 at 03:02 PM

I've been fitting mintex pads to my cortina front assembly and can't work out how the anti-rattle clip goes back into the (m16) caliper. The Haynes manual just says "fit the clip"... how helpful.

Please can someone help? A picture would be great!

Peteff - 11/6/06 at 04:40 PM

They seem to work perfectly well without.

jollygreengiant - 11/6/06 at 04:48 PM

IIRC 1 cut end into centre top hole on pad (each that is) and then clip should lay between the pads and 1 pin goes through "U" so that the rest of the clip presses onto pad backing.

I think.

Its been 14 years since I fitted any.