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Rain vs Locost
trialsman - 1/3/07 at 05:37 PM

Let's just imagine that someone started out on a 40 mile drive. It's sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and this imaginary person even checked the weather radar. Nothing, nada, zip! And let's just suppose this person stopper to have dinner with some friends. And all of a sudden, BAM! It starts pouring and hailing. This imaginary person dosn't have a top, tarp, doors, or windshield wipers. And that person had to drive an hour and a half back to the warmth and comfort of his home and garage in driving rain (40mm of additional rain) and more hail (enough to turn a red and black interior mostly white. And suppose this person had taken out all of the interior of this car to dry it out, including carpet and seats. How would this imaginary person dry out his car seats that water is driping from? This did not happen to me, I am just wondering. Honest! Trust me! Russ

mandbsheldon - 1/3/07 at 05:43 PM

That's an easy one. Fit some locost fiberglass seats, drill a hole in the base and let the water just run out. Quite simple really


stevec - 1/3/07 at 06:36 PM

Could someone enlighten me,


trialsman - 1/3/07 at 06:56 PM

Ha, Ha Very funny. We in the colonies like our comforts plus the damn thing was built by one of you!

zetec7 - 1/3/07 at 06:59 PM

Hey, guys, give him a break! Those of us from this side of the pond like to have a few creature comforts, and I'm going to be putting in carpet in mine as well. So there, nyeah! Seriously, drilling holes in the seatpans of your seats is a great idea - I have Miata seats for mine, and I've drilled several holes in the steel pans so water can't accumulate (if it gets in past the soft top and side curtains!). As long as it can drain away, it should dry fairly quick. If you're looking for a warm place to dry them, (assuming they come out easily), a good place if you have room is nestled around your hot water heater in your house. Mine's tucked under a stairway, and there's room for a couple of seats to stuff around it. It's nice and warm in there - my wife uses it to dry cushions, etc.

snapper - 1/3/07 at 08:10 PM

Nows the time to make all your trim removable, carpet stinks when its wet and often does not dry back the way it was

smart51 - 1/3/07 at 08:16 PM

You mean like this? Mine air dried. Rescued attachment Bridgenorth .jpg
Rescued attachment Bridgenorth .jpg

TPG - 1/3/07 at 08:23 PM

Mookaliod and myself were caught on the A1 in June 2005 after Newark in the storm that sunk North Yorkshire.Removed the drain plugs in Masham,people thought we'd been in the car wash with both cars.
Real cars have drain plugs!!!!
Must be an English thing....

DarrenW - 1/3/07 at 10:01 PM

I dont get the original question. What does he mean when he says Dry and Sunny at the start of the trip???????? Does that ever happen?

No carpet of soft stuff in my car, drilled some holes in ali floor. Its an everyday car so gets used in all weather with no ill effects.

stevebubs - 1/3/07 at 11:05 PM

OK...This happened to me on the Le Mans trip.

Full weather gear on the Fury. Get 2 miles into France and the windscreen wipers stop working. Can't see out of screen.

Roof down and kept going. The 120+ miles from Ferry Port to Le Mans. Only way to see was by looking *over* the windscreen

Arrive at Le Mans and bunged the car cover on.

Next day, glorious sunshine. Stripped carpet out (velcro) and spread over car. Was dry in about 12 hours.

Thankfully seat pads not soaked

stevebubs - 1/3/07 at 11:06 PM

If the seat pads are soaked, then you have 2 options...

1) If the weather is warm (25C+) then just leave to air dry

2) Remove seats from car and put in the airing cupboard or similar until dry.

stevebubs - 1/3/07 at 11:07 PM

BTW we were actually pretty dry when we reached Le Mans - the airflow over the fury is such that the water goes right over your head. Only time you get wet is when stopped...

matt_claydon - 2/3/07 at 08:22 AM

This was me and a friend on the way to the Nurburgring in '05, 6 hours of this and we were pretty damp! - no hail though thankfully

Edit: Ignore the bottom picture, that was on the way home.

[Edited on 2/3/07 by matt_claydon]

JAG - 2/3/07 at 08:40 AM

[gasp] it's the Stig on his day off [/gasp]

G.Man - 2/3/07 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by smart51
You mean like this? Mine air dried.


trialsman - 2/3/07 at 02:38 PM

Yep that looks just like my imaginary friends trip except his was at night. I hope you have dried out. Russ

DarrenW - 2/3/07 at 02:41 PM

I used to have an imaginary friend once.....