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Crossflow DCOE manifold
vonmoogen - 8/11/11 at 09:01 PM

Hi guys, I recently bought a pair of DCOE and they came with what i'm told is a crossflow manifold. Any ideas what it's worth as it's not something I have use for?


Confused but excited. - 8/11/11 at 09:35 PM

Depends on the make/model. The short tract (75mm) ones seem to fetch more money.
Seen them go for £10 - £70 on t'bay.

vonmoogen - 8/11/11 at 09:38 PM

don't know what make it is as it doesn't appear to have any makers mark. i'll have to measure the tracts to find out size.

Nurburg2006 - 11/11/11 at 10:12 PM

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